Tuesday, May 22

I Have Batman Neck

due to some horrendously strained muscle(s) that run down the left side of my neck and mid back vertebrae. (Hot, I know.) Hey, on a Batman tip, the viral marketing campaign for whatever number we're up to -- the one with Heath Ledger as the Joker -- launched today. Don't waste your time. It was a bit too thinly veiled. Interesting aesthetic though, I see it as Leatherface meets Saw sort of.

Let's see.. Been a slow news week so far...Something about Helen Mirren meeting (and being starstruck by) David Beckham, people are still killing each other, etc. [my apologies for the trashy becks link, i couldn't find the original one that enlightened me to this earth-shattering factoid]

I finished and deployed a couple websites for a 'client' who actually paid me which is always nice and I'm waiting to hear from a wife of a colleague of a friend about an possible interactive producer gig (freelance, natch) which is also cool.

In Wii news, I gots me some 'Wii Play' and WarioWare but have yet to get deep into 'em.

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