Thursday, October 25

Mission :: Accomplished :: Employment Secured

Things have picked up quite a bit over the past couple of weeks. I began cutting down/quitting smoking which resulted in increased exercise. I also got word that I got the job I've been pining for for some time now, so lots of change afoot. I was offered more then the position posted, and found out that I came in under the wire to beat out the candidate(s) that had essentially been selected. This has been one instance where patience has paid off for me. (Read: this is one of the rare instances where I have displayed patience, only to find it be rewarded.)

I got this in the mail and assembled it. (Well, my stoner neighbor assembled the second half of it while I washed dishes and prepped dinner). It's funny -- now I have 2 synthetic, but reusable holiday decorations: a blow-up Christmas tree and a Lego pumpkin. What does this mean? I also think I am hosting a pumpkin carving mashup on Sunday. Need to pull that together.

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