Tuesday, November 15

Everyone out of the pool

This news story is somewhat disturbing. They've caught some little 'male' fish who display signs of intersex..That means they had girl parts in their boy parts. This is suspected to be due to pollutants from plants and treatment facilities contaminating the water.

I'm glad I find the Pacific Ocean too cold to swim in. I like my testes just the way they are, thanks.
No ovarian tissue for me!

Monday, November 7

Everything you ever wanted to know about Barebacking but were afraid to ask

via Queerty -

Not sure how I feel about this site [probably NSFW now that I think about it. Unless you are a hustler.] "Sero-Sorting instead of condoms"? That's a pretty hot potato now, innit? Regardless, this weird public-health information site enlightened me to things I've never known. Like how to shave one's junk properly or the benefits of [anal] douching before a date. My friend DRMack'n will love it. She's soooo into barebacking these days. From a research standpoint, that is.


Shirtless Guy

I don't know which is funnier - the article itself, or the fact that it's #2 in the LA Times "most emailed today" sidebar...

Anyway, this smells like a fake (viral) or something along the lines of BlackpeopleLoveUs.com, but if it's true it's funny.

This weird dude just walks around college shirtless and he's got a support group/fan club and all. My favorite quote - and the one that makes me believe this is bogus - is

"I think if it weren't for the Shirtless Guy," Kohelet
confessed, "I never would have had the courage to
unbutton the second to the top button on my shirt
and walk around showing a little chest hair."

You go, Shirtless Guy.

Friday, November 4

Bizarro World

Remember Bizarro, the anti-Superman from the Legion of Doom? He was basically the antipode of Superman, Truth, all that we know as sound and just.

So last evening in another installment of "Trying to Lead a (somewhat) Clean Life", I stayed in last night, split *1* bottle of wine and watched 'The Aviator' starring the recently-excised-from-Gisele-Bündchen, Leonardo DiCaprio.

About 20 minutes into the feature I became distressed and vocal about it. Something wasn't right, yet I couldn't quite pinpoint what off. Then in a flash it became clear: the editing was atrocious. I thought to myself, "perhaps the director had a friend or a cousin who needed some work and had a crack of Final Cut Pro on their machine or something" 'cause the editing SUCKED. Then my viewing partner reminds me that this is a Scorcese film. "No fucking way" I think to myself as I watch continuity flaws occur in almost every cut of the scene we're watching. [Note: I'm referrring the sundae eating antics of the 15 year old girl Howard Hughes takes out on the town. For starters.]

The film has it merits and I did learn a bit about H.Hughes, aviation of the time, etc. but the next morning the shittiness of the editing is still bugging me. So I google "Aviator bad editing" and the returns bring me to learn that the Aviator won the Academy Award® FOR BEST EDITING in the 77th Annual Academy Awards®. At that moment, everything I knew to be true and right was wrong.

Bizarro I tell you.