Friday, December 16

News that's shaping our world

This one wins because it's got all the words crucial for a smashing headline: "dog heads, decapitated, moat". (Kyodo News via Yahoo!Asia)

Christmas Miracle: Turtle Gets Braces

Diapers Clogging Sewer Lines in Iowa

Thursday, December 15

Anger Strategies, Focus on the Family, and Bareback Mountain

Here we go.
Reviewers Call 'Brokeback Mountain' Twisted

by Pete Winn, associate editor

Gay love story carries a high "ick" factor.

I'm not going to link to the site because I deem it 'unacceptable' but go ctrl+C, ctrl+V it into your address bar.

Wednesday, December 14

It's never pretty when an adult male freaks out over losing something

Trust me I know.

Especially when the object that has been misplaced is one's over-the-ear sports earphones and one has already stretched out and is ready to run along the beach.
And it get's even uglier when one's roommate finds them exactly where they were left by the freaking out adult male.

I'll workshop that while I'm running.
When I return, I'll be blissed out and sorted.

I promise.

Tuesday, December 13

Faulty Logic, Irresponsible Reporting, and the Dumb Ass Govenator

Note to the writer who wrote the caption to this photo: protesting the murder of an individual at the hands of the state does not de facto mean support of the individual on Death Row. It may be a gesture of protest against the Death Penalty. This seems to be a variant of the appeal to motive fallacy and is irresponsible on the front page of a major (albeit shitty) newspaper.

Some people just think that regardless of who may be electrocuted, injected, shot, hung, stoned, starved, etc. by the government - it's plain wrong to kill people even if it's intention is to teach citizens a lesson about crime and punishment.

Monday, December 12

Damn, someone found out about this

So now I am forced to update it, keep it sharp, and produce compelling entries.

Thanks, doc.

Friday, December 2

December is here

and with it a renewed sense of purpose.
After another slip off the non-smoking wagon and the subsequent re-detox - which is marked by binge eating, rage blackouts, and general snippiness - i'm back to clean living for good this time. No more cheating. It's lame.

Now when I find myself nurturing that deep-seated urge to smoke a butt, I visualize mouth cancer. Something along these lines but much worse:

Harsh I know, but it should help.