Saturday, February 25

Anne Coulter - a living joke

And by joke, I mean idiot.

Anne Coulter is a cobag.

Yes, Anne there's room in the plot for your skeletal frame. Jump in.

Ms. Coulter recently made an 'appearance' at Indiana State University where she was paid to give another one of her batshit rants. Always the paragon of tact & grace, she spewed a number of gems, employing the common (but pathetic) rhetorical device of attacking one's questioner on grounds unrelated to the subject at hand:
One comment that drew strong audience reactions came from a young man who asked her if she didn't like Democrats, wouldn't it just be better to have a dictatorship? Coulter responded with a jab at the way the student talked.

"You don't want the Republicans in power, does that mean you want a dictatorship, gay boy?" she said.

[Clap, clap] Well played, Anne, well played. Restate the question incorrectly, then punctuate your statement with a slur! He's probably a big faggot anyway, Anne. I mean, he must be if he doesn't like you. What red-blooded American male wouldn't want to stuff it into a beauty like you?
Heels &white-tshirt? Check. Porch? Check. Gun. Check.
Come and git it!!

This is somewhat of a relief, however:
IU College Republicans President Shane Kennedy defended Coulter's comments by stressing that the speech was for entertainment and attendees should have expected Coulter to say controversial comments.
A regular Dice Clay, she is.
Some more retina searing imagery for you:

Anne in her early years as a working girl. Having moved up from the streets, the university is her new john.
Different venue, same self-loathing, emptiness, & shame.

And one more for you - cause it's "entertainment" & I'm mean like that:

You go, girl! Black pleather - an appropriate choice for the Hill.

Unintelligent, unattractive, and having a proclivity for prattle is no way to go through life, Anne. Perhaps Anne Coulter¹ needs to take some guidance from our Charming Belles?

¹I intentionally repeated the Beast's name in hopes that a search engine might pick up on the terms "cobag", "idiot", "Coulter", and "Dice Clay".

Friday, February 24

Well at least I surround myself with beautiful things.


File under: Unnerving but Useful.
"Clean Sweep Program is a checklist of 100 items which, when completed, give one complete personal freedom. These 100 items are grouped in 4 areas of life with 25 in each group: Physical Environment, Well-being, Money and Relationships. These 4 areas are the cornerstone for a strong and healthy life and the program helps a person to clean up, restore and polish virtually every aspect of his/her life. The program takes between 6 - 24 months to complete."
Also from the site:
Add your totals from the four sections. Initial scores for the first-time participant range, on average, between 30 - 70 points out of the 100 points possible. Most people who are "using" the program increase their scores between 2 and 6 points per month. Points are added more quickly at first, slowing down significantly after one has added 20 or so points. Major plateau areas are at 70-75, 85-90 and 95-100. Those last 5 or 10 are the ones which are most worth taking care of, given our egos are well entrenched among these incompletions. You want to take this program on with the intention of getting a 100.
I scored a fucking 34. What's funny (not haha funny but rather odd) is that I felt really good and content while going through the list. I sort of expected I'd come out on top.

Huh. Funny how that happens. I'm going to look into this further.


Remember when screensavers were all scene & shit? Like back in the 80's & 90's?

Well, in an effort to wipe away some of the mental detritus spewed forth here this past week, I offer you Holding Pattern - a "cinematic a screensaver" of the view out an airplane.

Thursday, February 23

Did she say "Crayola Skies"?

Yesterday I woke up on the proverbial wrong side of the bed (wouldn't that be the bottom side?) and basically spent the whole day workshopping it to no avail. The state of affairs in the world, the media, the excesses of capitalism,
corporate whore

unemployment, and boredom all spent the day running around my psyco-social playground, beating the shit out of each other.

This is how I felt inside.

Things picked up late in the evening after having a much needed catch-up chat with an old friend from New York and a visit from Friendly Neighbor who not only brought some desperately needed Pilsner Urquells but also the ganj, if you know what I mean.
Hell, I even watched Spinal Tap in an effort to fight the blues.

[Cut to Saturday Morning]

Wake up, feeling much better. I guess I steht auf on the correct side of the bed or something.
I sit down and rather than feed my head with all the aforementioned, I try to conjure up a mental image (a visualization, if you will) of something light, positive, and optimistic.

Ladies & Gentlemen, I present to you, Charming Belles.

Upon hitting this site the senses are assaulted. A guitar sounds. A raspy, folksy song begins as the poorly designed Flash splash page loads.

The song that plays is amazing! [note: apparently this track is featured on the "Uptown Girls" soundtrack which I don't currently have in my collection.]

I have to print the lyrics in their entirety:
It's a charmed life
Innocence wild
Crayola skies for a thousand miles
It's a good life in the happily ever after
Last page of a very last chapter
It's the story of a charmed life
It's a charmed life
Unexplainable grace
Stumbling, you fall right into place
It's a childlike world and you can feel the magic
Far from the typically tragic
That's the beauty of a charmed life

Who needs to know
When it all comes and when it all goes
Who needs to know just when
Fate will take you there

It's a charmed life
Innocence wild
Crayola skies for a thousand miles
It's a good life in the happily ever after
Last page of a very last chapter
It's the story of a charmed life

Na na na...
Na na na...

Who needs to know
When it all comes and when it all goes
Who needs to know just when
I know you'll be there (I know you'll be there)

It's a charmed life
Innoncence wild
Crayola Skies for a thousand miles
It's a good life in the happily ever after
Last page of a very last chapter
It's the story of a charmed life
Na na na...

(It's the story of a charmed life)

Na na na...

(It's the beauty of a charmed life)

Na na na...

(It's the story of a charmed life)

Na na na...

(It's the beauty of a charmed life)

Na na na...
Na na na...

Just check out all these talented (?!) young ladies. Headed for stardom, they are.

The anime-eyes make me forget all about the evils in the world.

I wonder what their moms look like.

Thank you Charming Belles, for making me forget all about the bad stuff and for keeping me focused on what's real and important. Thank you.

A Spoonful of Ginger, per the doc's orders

So yeah, a good friend passed along this book as gift.
I've been relying on it with a marked frequency.

This evening's dish can be found on page 62, "Baked Fish Packages with Wild Mushroom Sauce", and includes 2 tsps. of minced ginger on the filets of sole. Sides of steamed brown rice & garlic sautéed spinach accompany.

I feel healthier just describing it.

Thanks, doc.

Let me adjust the elastic waistband in my mom-jeans

and then sing the praises of Netflix. I love Netflix.

Monday, February 20

Guess the Catalog This Came From

Scanners are fun.

I'm working on a post chock full of freakiness

but it's taking longer than i expected
so here's a teaser:
Yep. That's what I'm talkin about.

Saturday, February 18

Astute Celebrity Analogy

[click above - From the Middle of the Night blog]

I just can't wait for Cruise to pack up, flee to the middle east, and don a burkha.

Friday, February 17

Finally! Sleepingbag pants (and top)

I know this is 'played' on the Internets (and by played I mean like uh week old), but I've been dreaming of having one of these for years now. Now that I've moved out of New York I don't really need it, but it looks so comfortable, even if idiotic.

Earlier: I'm glad I don't own one of these

Thursday, February 16

Plugs, Outlets

Not these kinds
clever, no?

But rather these:

A couple of my friends have a very nice streaming radio station, Telephone Music.

Everytime I open the stream, I hear chill beats and the occasional weird experimental stuff - usually an umlaut or two. It's definitely fresh and worth a hit. Check it out. [will open automatically in iTunes when you click on the title 'capsule' on the page]

Wednesday, February 15

How I Live My Life According to the Internets

This is deep kids. Put your contemplative caps on.

How You Life Your Life

You are honest and direct. You tell it like it is.
You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think.
Your friends tend to be a as quirky as you are - which is saying a lot!
You have one big dream in your life, and you never lose sight of it.

Inspired by the Doctor.

Fug, no

John Galliano, this is nasty. Plain & simple. No amount of fitness on the part of your model can save this dumb tragedy. Legwarmers on the forearms and knitted leggings socks as a scarf?
I don't think so.

Lay off the dust bro.

More at Hang Ten

Monday, February 13

Cooking using Mobile Phones

I hope this is some sort of joke.

Ma, I gotta go we've been on the phone
for like half and hour & my head hurts.

I can't decide

which one of these would look better on me. I mean, they're both awesome for a formal event, but now that I'm in SoCal, I guess the fur might be a bit much.

Thanks International Male for staying in business.

Friday, February 10

Wednesday, February 8

Timesuck - Design Your Own Tartan Plaid

I spent way too much time on this this morning. You choose the color threads you want, then how much of each color, and BAM! - you end up with your own, proprietary plaid.
Here's my first:

via Boing Boing

Tuesday, February 7

I realize that last post was a bit pessimistic

so I balance it with this:

from Cute Overload! ;)

Politics: Bush 2007 budget quietly omits impact of policies on deficit

This requires a Java-enabled browser.

We, collectively, are going to be so screwed if we make it through the next 1077 days.

From the Raw Story

President George W. Bush's fiscal year 2007 budget quietly omits a table included in previous years which lays out the impact of the Administration's proposed policies on the deficit, RAW STORY has learned.

The missing table was first discovered by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Its omission -- a single table among thousands and thousands of pages that follow a standard format each year -- likely signals that the Administration is trying to keep the focus off the massive deficits which the United States will incur after 2010.


Some of you might remember this lady:
Stoically wielding the toilet brush.

I found her a mate.
He owes, he owes..

Both hardworking. Both distinct.

Latest Track I'm Abusing: Postal Service

Screencap from Postal Service's video, "Such Great Heights"*

Apparently Apple ripped off this very nice video by re-creating it almost shot-by-shot, which is a shame and further testament to the fact that Apple/iTunes/iWhatever is catching up with it's nasty nemesis Microsoft.

*The video is an .m4v ready to be dropped onto an ipod. You're welcome.
And before any record company bullshit is called, as a result of this video I went out and purchased the band's CD.

Monday, February 6

Welcome to the world J.D.

born 1/31/2006
Welcome to the party.
Looove your hair.

Good luck. You'll need it. (although a lucrative baby modeling contract should be thrown your way)

Cheers lad, as you embark on this journey, may you encounter wisdom and fun.
I hope as your Funcle© that I can be there for a lot of it.