Ms. Coulter recently made an 'appearance' at Indiana State University where she was paid to give another one of her batshit rants. Always the paragon of tact & grace, she spewed a number of gems, employing the common (but pathetic) rhetorical device of attacking one's questioner on grounds unrelated to the subject at hand:
One comment that drew strong audience reactions came from a young man who asked her if she didn't like Democrats, wouldn't it just be better to have a dictatorship? Coulter responded with a jab at the way the student talked.
"You don't want the Republicans in power, does that mean you want a dictatorship, gay boy?" she said.
[Clap, clap] Well played, Anne, well played. Restate the question incorrectly, then punctuate your statement with a slur! He's probably a big faggot anyway, Anne. I mean, he must be if he doesn't like you. What red-blooded American male wouldn't want to stuff it into a beauty like you?
This is somewhat of a relief, however:
This is somewhat of a relief, however:
IU College Republicans President Shane Kennedy defended Coulter's comments by stressing that the speech was for entertainment and attendees should have expected Coulter to say controversial comments.
Different venue, same self-loathing, emptiness, & shame.
And one more for you - cause it's "entertainment" & I'm mean like that:
Unintelligent, unattractive, and having a proclivity for prattle is no way to go through life, Anne. Perhaps Anne Coulter¹ needs to take some guidance from our Charming Belles?
¹I intentionally repeated the Beast's name in hopes that a search engine might pick up on the terms "cobag", "idiot", "Coulter", and "Dice Clay".