Tuesday, March 29

I live below Michael Flatley

aka William Hung ['cause he bangs! he bangs!] aka Clydes Dale the Galloping Neighbor Above.
Jesus, I swear one of these days I fully expect his wee frame to come crashing through my ceiling where it will be discovered that he has a closet fetish for cement shoes.

Not quite the light-on-his toes Bruce Lee I wished him to be..more of a Clomper McStampy.

Saturday, March 26

Speaking of my regions...

My bitchass got an all-region dvd playa, yo -- and solely as a Kath & Kim playback device.
it would be fun to go live in australia for a year and pick up that accent.
I imagine it would be helpful at outdoor events where alcohol was served. It would ingratiate me with the other people clustered at the bar or keg.

I've got one word for you,:
Ice Chardonnary.

Anyway, I'm going to burn my Video Stop card and start hitting Kim's Video a lot.
I wonder if they carry Princess Diaries II?

Wednesday, March 9

Can't blame me for trying

In an effort to quit smoking once and for all, I'm making efforts to understand why I smoke and what the triggers for my enjoying having a cigarette are. Now there are many out there, I know, who have been able to simply a)realize that smoking is a bad habit and, b) as a result of a) have been able to put them away once and for all -- not without the occassional 'fit' or craving, I'm sure.

Having a tendancy toward being overly-analytic, I of course I need to deconstruct the "why?" of almost everything and this is no exception.

The photo above is testament to that -- see how diligently I've recorded each cigarette I've smoked during the day on the formal 'tightey-whitey' slice of notepaper, along with the circumstances that accompanied the smoke? Aren't I diligent? I bet you're proud of me. Success isn't far away now.

I imagine a little clothesline strung up in my kitchen with a whole gaggle of these little underpants-notes documenting my weaning from these horrible cigarettes. It'll be cute.

I've learned that I smoke pretty much to waste time or force a bit of 'waiting' on my most impatient ass. How anti-climactic.