Tuesday, December 13

Faulty Logic, Irresponsible Reporting, and the Dumb Ass Govenator

Note to the writer who wrote the caption to this photo: protesting the murder of an individual at the hands of the state does not de facto mean support of the individual on Death Row. It may be a gesture of protest against the Death Penalty. This seems to be a variant of the appeal to motive fallacy and is irresponsible on the front page of a major (albeit shitty) newspaper.

Some people just think that regardless of who may be electrocuted, injected, shot, hung, stoned, starved, etc. by the government - it's plain wrong to kill people even if it's intention is to teach citizens a lesson about crime and punishment.

1 comment:

drM said...

considering that the death penalty, as practiced in the US, has exactly zero efficacy as a deterrent and 27 years is considered a bit long (and expensive) to wait for revenge, and considering the emotional toll it takes on the victims and the state workers, you'd THINK someone would think to protest the death penalty itself rather than just stand up and say how much you love Tookie.