Saturday, February 25

Anne Coulter - a living joke

And by joke, I mean idiot.

Anne Coulter is a cobag.

Yes, Anne there's room in the plot for your skeletal frame. Jump in.

Ms. Coulter recently made an 'appearance' at Indiana State University where she was paid to give another one of her batshit rants. Always the paragon of tact & grace, she spewed a number of gems, employing the common (but pathetic) rhetorical device of attacking one's questioner on grounds unrelated to the subject at hand:
One comment that drew strong audience reactions came from a young man who asked her if she didn't like Democrats, wouldn't it just be better to have a dictatorship? Coulter responded with a jab at the way the student talked.

"You don't want the Republicans in power, does that mean you want a dictatorship, gay boy?" she said.

[Clap, clap] Well played, Anne, well played. Restate the question incorrectly, then punctuate your statement with a slur! He's probably a big faggot anyway, Anne. I mean, he must be if he doesn't like you. What red-blooded American male wouldn't want to stuff it into a beauty like you?
Heels &white-tshirt? Check. Porch? Check. Gun. Check.
Come and git it!!

This is somewhat of a relief, however:
IU College Republicans President Shane Kennedy defended Coulter's comments by stressing that the speech was for entertainment and attendees should have expected Coulter to say controversial comments.
A regular Dice Clay, she is.
Some more retina searing imagery for you:

Anne in her early years as a working girl. Having moved up from the streets, the university is her new john.
Different venue, same self-loathing, emptiness, & shame.

And one more for you - cause it's "entertainment" & I'm mean like that:

You go, girl! Black pleather - an appropriate choice for the Hill.

Unintelligent, unattractive, and having a proclivity for prattle is no way to go through life, Anne. Perhaps Anne Coulter¹ needs to take some guidance from our Charming Belles?

¹I intentionally repeated the Beast's name in hopes that a search engine might pick up on the terms "cobag", "idiot", "Coulter", and "Dice Clay".


drM said...

ugh. she's such a beast. she's one of those girls that became a republican her freshman year in college because she thought it would make the frat boys like her. 20 date rapes later, i'm sure she realized it was working...

what a digusting vile putrid cow. she's a life-size taint. I wish they'd send her abu ghraib and leave her there.

ctrl-freak said...

You should try to be clearer when expressing your opinion. I'm not sure what you think of her.


(And yeah, she's a waste of so many things.)

tammy said...

I wonder if Ann will EVER figure out that no matter how long or how blonde her hair will NEVER change the fact that she is ugly...

:-) t

LFSP said...

I'm with Dr. M on this.

That skanky Republican bitch belongs in the bottom circle of hell -- the one where she gets her tiny little brain picked with a metal replica of Michael Jackson's dick for all eternity.

ctrl-freak said...

Damn! You ladies, harsh yet eloquent.
Loves it.

'Anne Coulter is your girlfriend' is going to be my new slur/graffitti tag.