Saturday, October 13

Employment :: Ongoing Saga

After seeing Blade Runner: Final Cut this morning in a super pimped movie theater in Westwood (? like I even know what that means or where it is), I went to this weird, old-school burger joint, Apple Pan's for lunch. It was then that I checked my missed calls and voice mail. It seems I missed a call the day before from someone at the place I've already interviewed TWICE with for a job. I already had a phone interview with the caller weeks back when I was in for an afternoon of marathon interviews with random people. He was out of state that day but we did speak for a good 20 minutes on the phone.

I assumed that since it was he calling, I was going to be told that unfortunately" they would be going 'with someone else' or that they opted to 'take a pass' or whatever and the woman with whom I had met twice already relegated this guy (who had never met me) to deliver the bad news.


It turns out that he was in town for the weekend (an ever increasing rarity) and wanted to know if I might be able to drop in and meet during the weekend. I told him I'd call him back after checking with my assorted weekend obligations. Precisely 17 minutes later, I called him to say I could swing by in just a little over an hour. I proceed to change my clothing and "refresh" (which in this instance required a complete head-under-shower hair restyle) then jumped in das Auto and headed out.

I'm somewhat confused. ["What would I say is my greatest weakness with regard to my professional life, Tom*? Haha, well I'm glad you asked. That's easy: I work too hard."]

Does this mean I'm going to get an offer or that they want to make sure that they are going to decline the right candidate (me)?

Any information you may be able to provide would be most appreciated. Have a nice day and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards,


esme j gregson said...

I'm so into you right now. You're crazy funny--keep fighting the good fight. Keep writing!

drM said...

I am on TENTERHOOKS. Call me immediately when you're done. Oh, wait, you don't check your blog from your phone.

Tenterhooks, I tell you.