Monday, January 7

2008 :: So Far, Not So Much

Spent the weekend sicker than I've been in a loooong time. Of course, last Friday morning during my work out, my trainer asks me "So, you didn't get sick over the holiday?" to which I (somewhat puzzled by the question) said proudly "Dude, I haven't been sick in a loooong time. Like forever. Well at least since I moved to LA."
(Hubris, you're one bitch of a bedfellow. Haha, my new screen name, Hugh Bris)

So, Friday night, felt a little weird, headachey, sad.. Figured back-to-work-blues and all.
Saturday morning - puking like a sorority girl, felt like a truck had literally ridden over my body, and um..the lower GI was...seemingly passed out unconscious (?).
So yeah, got to spend the weekend prone, shivering, delirious, hurling, moaning, slowly dehydrating. Lost seriously like 6 pounds.

But I should be so negative. I did *gain a cold sore on my lip* today at work! - sweet. Gimme kiss.

All I really need at this point is conjunctivitis and perhaps a fractured wrist to complete this whole..scene.

[Note to powers that "be": I'm kidding. Don't feel obligated to deliver.]

2008 you've actively disappointed me. Work on that shit, yo.


drM said...

Eew. Red hair, bad back, and a hearing aide. You're falling apart.

ctrl-freak said...

Thanks a lot betch.