Friday, April 13

At the Intersection of Hypocrite Way & Illogical Avenue

Bush Calls for 'Culture of Life' [MyWay]

Hm. "Culture of life"? Hang on a minute, let my try to understand that apparently redundant (and dumb) phrase. [thinks for approximately 1 second]

I guess it's the opposite of a culture that fosters like...death, right? But wait a minute, the definition of life inherently holds the implication of the phenomenon of death, so it..doesn't..really make sense. Oh nevermind, heh heh.. there I go again, applying those critical thinking skills to things that don't really require them.

Okay, I'll just take it at it's (stupid) face value. "Culture of Life"! I guess that means like a culture that's Up with Life! and Down with Death!

Oh no? You mean it's a culture where stem cell research is prohibited? Oh..Um, I guess I could see how you'd arrive at that. [Lying to be polite]

I know! A "culture of life" would be one where they had a law that punished people for like crucifying a kid on a fence (literally) because he was gay! That would like foster a culture of life -- cause like it would be saying "it's bad to kill people", right?

No? Huh.

Okay well at least it's got the 'no war' thing in it, right? I'd imagine any culture of life's first action-item would be avoiding the death of large numbers of persons -- many of them innocent civilians and children. Er..Hm.

Keep dishing it out, pres

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