Tuesday, July 12

Some Basics


1. Microsoft Windows products are inferior and whore-ish, technically yet I am often forced -- due mainly to laziness & ignorance -- to use them.

2. I use Mozilla to browse and I don't care what happens to those who use Explorer, technically.

Thank you. I needed to get that off my chest as this laptop, for the buzzilionth time, has suffered due to vulnerabilities and gaping security holes in the glorious piece of shit that is IE.

In the future I'm going to make every effort to avoid posting such geeky (and obvious) things.

*Image nabbed from this dude's blog whose sentiment I echo.

Monday, July 11


I shall be using my outside voice from this point on. Enough said.

Tomorrow all is set for my relocation to Manhattan Beach. I've got the keys in hand and an addendum to the lease (thanks Monica, you real-estate tool) allowing for installation of a satelite dish so that I may receive tons of useless channels albeit with an interface preferable to that of the local cable provider's which is hideous beyond description.

Thusly, this will become a repository for assorted stimulating sundries.

Saturday, July 9

Open Letter to Tim Story

Dear Director of Fantastic Four,

As a hardworking Research Scientist/Artist myself, it is with great regret that I advise you to abandon your current career path. Your most recent effort, Fantastic Four, was a complete failure. Oh I wanted to enjoy your interpretation of this intriguing quartet's tale with critical abandon. I was willing to lose myself in the rippling abs and melon-like delts of the Human Torch and the alluring, sexy-but-demure Sue Storm -- but alas nothing in your piece of shit feature film came close to the
compelling action or psycho-drama that emanated from the flimsy yet entertaining pages of the comics that your film ripped off referenced. At the same time, you managed to under exploit the only assets the cast had to offer (read: Alba's & Evans' physiques).

If I were Jessica Alba or Chris Evans, (I actually learned his name whilst writing this. Until now I referred to him as that well-built Human Torch bitchboy) I'd be pissed at you for dumping such a massive obstacle onto the path of my career trajectory. In other words: you did a fine classic comic book and some very pretty actors a serious disservice and your movie sucked balls (not the good kind).

Sincerely yours,

PS - How come Dr. Reed's clothes stretched with him when he first learned of/used his supernatural power to save the fireman falling from the bridge when neither Invisible Girl or Human Torch's garments afforded them the same convenience? And what the hell upper body regimen was that Human Torch on during filming? He was ripped. Just askin'... -C.F

Wednesday, July 6


who knew there was yakitori and shabu shabu in the hood. kampai!

Manhattan Beeyotch

I signed a lease on a place that is a short walk from this view. Hahah, the irony stings like sunburn. Hahaha bitches! No more NYC crackheads yelling ("Oye!") waking me up. Palms swaying in the wind.

No seriously, for the first time in a while I feel really excited about things..(Not you, Pats)

Enjoy this walking tour of the new 'hood:
1 Block towards the ocean is the Kettle -- 24 effing hour diner right around the corner! Schweet for the late night friends, and props for the 3D sign with neon.

Continuing down the boulevard, off on a side street we find this Starsky & Hutch alleyway next to the old parking structure. Can't wait to wander these back alleys discovering the seamy underbelly of MB. I'm rethinking my car situation (since I'm not going to get my dad's Metropolitan - which by the way, matches the railings down at the MB pier) and now a regular Jeep like the one I got in Key West seems most appropriate.

One more block down to the ocean. The sidewalks are blue tiles and have little walls (for the idiot pedestrians I guess to keep them from wandering onto the streets or for the idiot drivers from drifting into the shopping lane). In any case, they are cute and clean. And hello to the young lad in the white tank just sitting by the road. Onward ho!

At the bottom of the hills (jeezus!) there are 4 pubs within spitting proximity of each other, the pier, and the strand. Tonight we dined at Beaches, from where this snap was snapped.
The observation platform overlooking the beach and the pier. The inlay reads:
Beyond this point lies the rest of the world The 3 cardinal directions reference New Zealand, Australia, and Vietnam.