Thursday, August 11

File Under: Waste of a Domain

A typical morning - I rouse, make coffee, then settle in to read the news and whatnot. I come across this drivel and click-thru to hit the primary source -- Concerned Women of America..Jokers, I say. It's funny because I think I know many many concerned women in America and none of them hold beliefs in line with this charade of an organization. These "women" are boycotting Starbucks (no problem there) because the company "funds and promotes homosexual activism".
Ladies, I can only throw out a "what the fuck??" to that.

Check out the About page of their mangy website:

CWA is built on prayer and action. (HAHAHA Like the Greatest American Hero..No wait, he flew on a wing & a prayer)

We are the nation's largest public policy women's organization with a rich 25-year history of helping our members across the country bring Biblical principles
into all levels of public policy.

Now last time I checked, ladies, this nation is built on the notion that your Biblical principles remain separate from PUBLIC POLICY. It almost makes me wish I'd see the day when all these Ambrosia-toting, Veggie-Tales reading bitches have to bow before Koranic (?) principles melded into public policy.

And the icing on the cake with this group -- the head of their PR dept. is a dude.
Stupid people with a microphone would be amusing if the hubris wasn't so great.

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