Tuesday, September 13

Any movie that can mix Lamb's "Gorecki" into the sung dialogue and reference Anthony Michael Hall's rev-up in 16 Candles gets a nod of the hat. In the second evening of I'm Becoming A Huge Fag, I watched Moulin Rouge with my boy. Understand, this comes on the heels (pun intended) of lip-synching Mommie Dearest last night. (Both of which were available freely & easily via satelite, mind you). Television is getting really, really gay. So am I it seems. Gross.

To encapsulate: Moulin Rouge as a movie and audio mixing endeavor rocks.
I began crushing on Nicole Kidman whilst viewing this. She's architecturally gifted and seems like a nice girl who's just trying to get by. Watching her comic jumpings about to the tune of the Can-can is quite a sight to see. Check it, I rec it.

Oh shit, Truth or Dare is on now.. I picked a great week to quit smoking. For realz.

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