In practice, it's a bit pudgier . Actually getting videos onto the chicklet is non-trivial (and I's gots me a degree y'alls) and the extent to which iTunes (the music store) sells the videos as product is embarrassing. Would someone really pay $1.99 for Jessica Simpson's "These Boots Are Made for Walking Video"? Really?! I must be getting old, cause last time I checked, there were entire channels dedicated to streaming these (bad) videos for free - well if you consider them being interrupted with shiteloads of advertising, 'free'.
In any case, being the tech-ster that I am, I immediately set out to explore beyond the confines of the iTunes (electric)fence. First, I peer-to-peered for files containing '' in the extension. Gorillaz, Madonna, & Jessica Simpson came up quickly. [ed. note - you read it here first: advertising & 'music' videos as we know them are immediately and forever altered as a result of this new means of transmission. Look out for larger, more prominent product placement in the videos themselves, with the plot of the video including/referring/involving said product perhaps.]
If I were (ahem) to have saved them to disk, I would have had a hell of a time actually getting them to show up on the iPod's library. But I didn't, cause.. that would be um, bad, right? Anyway, thing is, the host application for the iPod (iTunes) is not the most intuitive for a staunch PC user like myself. (I'm going back to the IBM PCjr here, kids.) Yeah, I 'added file to library' and yeah it showed up in the library under 'videos' that little icon
Long story short, I watched Madonna's 'Hung Up' video on the pod the other night while enjoying some wine. It was a warm evening for January -- even in Los Angeles. The effect was pretty amazing. Holding something so small & light in form factor that's displaying full-frame-rate video -- with no feeling of a hard drive spinning outside under the palm trees.. Well, it was..magical to say the least. Borderline erotic, let me tell you.
I still expected to see her waving a teeny weeny can of Coca Cola around or something, though.
Next chapter in this saga: "iPod Porn". Timely, no?
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