Friday, April 7

Who Says The Youth of Today Are Apathetic?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
Susan B. Anthony.
Alice Stone Blackwell.
Lucretia Coffin Mott.
Carrie Chapman Catt (below).
Suffragist and Peace Advocate

Add to this list, Zoe & Leslie Hinkle.


Because this mother/daughter duo are, like the aforementioned, fighting for the rights of young women everywhere in a movement that will impact future preteens for generations to come.

Well, not everywhere, but at Steams Elementary school in Upper St. Clair. And not for rights like suffrage (they're minors after all) or for fair treatment in classrooms, but for something equally important to 10 year olds.


Zoe & her mother are fighting the cruel and unjust policy of the school that deems skirts that "rise to mid thigh" are unacceptable.

Cheers to them for fighting the good fight.

10 year old girls should be able to experience what it feels like for one's buttocks (and bits) to be fractions-of-an-inch away from the eyes of classmates and the wood of desks.
It's important.

The future 4th grade sluts of the world will one day look back and honor Zoe & Leslie for their courageous battle.. Although by then, 10 year olds will probably wear Mylar thongs to class, right?

Or does that make me sound old?

[Addendum: Gross/creepy. With folks like this out there, I can see why Zoe's mom would help in her daughter's fight.]

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