Tuesday, August 29

Little Giant Girl

Before I head off, I leave you with this very compelling video.
It's eerie and cool. It reminds me of the Dark Crystal.


More Flight

I'm off again. (Although not in a Blue Angel, pictured above.)

Have a good Labor Day weekend, all you hardworking peeps.

Monday, August 28


Remember Linda Dano?
I like this video, even if the song is a bit saccharine.

Today's Mood

Rejection letters from shitty jobs in which you are commended on your handwritten follow-up to the interview thank-you note, but ultimately denied the opportunity suck.

Suck squared is when said rejection email opens with "Brad:" and your name isn't.

Wednesday, August 23


I'm off to Portland, Oregon. Beaverton, to be more precise.

The weather looks good up there and I have absolutely no preconceptions so it should be fun.

Have a good week. Except you, Tom Cruise.

Tuesday, August 22

Advertising that Doesn't Rot

This is a decent time-waster. It's the best from international advertising. From the site:
Ad-Awards is an independent group who selects the best ads on a monthly basis. In November 2005, an award will be given to each of the categories selected on our DIRECTORY page.
The H&M ad from Sweden is funny and well done; the Danish Interflora ad is cute too. And those Australians and their beer adverts...(rolling eyes)

Anyway, since most advertising is pure shite, I thought I'd do the balanced thing and pass along examples that are the exception to that. Some yin fo' yo' yang if you will.

Monday, August 21

I'm Crushed

Goddayum, what the hell am I going to do now?
Um.. 'Git r done' I guess.

File under: sarcasm

post rss-capable networking

Generated Image
Haha.. Gotcha! You thought this post was going to be a timely, hot, geeky write-up about the fiercest trends in Web 2.0 action, but it's not.

I was just playing with this bullshit generator. And this bullshit logo generator.

Last week went crazy on me. I had an unexpected interview* Thursday morning, followed by a family bonanza series of amusements: Disneyland, 85th Birthday parties, dinners, brunch.

I'm tired and I've been eating gross food for the past 4 days (Mickey McCheese with Mickey Fries, Goofy Dogs, etc.)

*The interview was half cool/half lame. The guy I met with called me by the wrong name for the first 15 minutes of meeting and introduced me to his working partner as that wrong name (all while conducting a personal phone call, natch). Whatever. I should send a handwritten "thank you for your time" card, but I've already slacked and the pay there is pitiful so I don't really feel inclined to do so.. It's like they're not paying someone enough to go the extra mile in terms of courtesy. I have a bad attitude I guess. Whatever.

I'm hitting the road again this week for my innaugural visit to the Pacific Northwest. Beaverton here I come. Then to NY next week for a visit. (And a haircut perhaps?)

Friday, August 18

Worst. Episode. Ever.


I am boycotting Project Runway from now on. After last night's appalling, ridiculous over-produced episode bumped Alison Kelly - the coolest person on a "reality" television program to date - I can no longer participate in the farce that the show has become. (Reminds me of a presidential election a couple years back.)

Seriously, because she wasn't some insane, cracked out, dramatic freak the producers made the weak decision to eliminate her. The justification from the judges never even came through. For her run on the show she never spoke ill of anyone, never got caught up in the drama, and consistently designed fashionable clothing. Her paper dress was far from being the worst thing on the runway (Hello, Kayne's tinfoil atrocity? Vincent's shameful craft-gown?)

I loved this girl. She has true style. And she's GORGEOUS. And her designs were solid.

Screw you wall-eyed Klum. And Oompa-Loompa Kors. And Chinless Garcia.
You lost a viewer.

I love you, Alison. Seriously. Your subtle retro-chill-sex-kitten demeanor is hot.

Wednesday, August 16

Tinny, Infantile Voice

I love the McRobot brogue holiday special offering.. I forgot about that part.

If you grew up on the northern east coast in the 70's, this commercial should take you back.

Hint: The Answer Rhymes with "Truck Mess"

Click image to view video [via Rawstory]

My favorite description of our illustrious leader: "intellectually shallow & one of the most incurious public figures ever". Owch. I'd expect to hear that said in reference to Paris Hilton or the like, not the Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America.

The footage of Bush at a press conference in Germany with Chancellor Angela Merkel is almost to painful to watch. No wonder the Germans think we are all idiots. Go make yourself sick do yourself a favor and watch this penetrating news analysis of the president of the US.

Monday, August 14

Interesting Question

Assuming you do, that is..'Cause I don't.

Why Do You Work So Hard?

On a somewhat related note, I sent out a cover letter and resume last week to a place and should really call today to follow up..I won't though. Months ago I had written a nice introductory letter requesting an informational interview at this firm in an effort to learn more about the particulars of the multimedia industry here. I sent the letter to the head of recruitment for hell's sake - it's not like I bothered the CEO - and you know what I got? No. Response. At all.
I followed up my letter with an email. No reply. From the head of recruiting. Not even a form email "thanks for your interest blah blah blah unfortunately blah blah can't help you at this time blah blah blah". I'd like her job. Don't do shit and get a title and salary. Sweet.

So when I came across what sounded like a decent gig that I was in all likelihood qualified to do, my gut sank a little when I realized I'd be sending my resume and letter to the same (lazy) woman who ignored me back in March.

Instead of calling her today to meekly inquire if my resume and letter had been 'received in good order' and to follow up on the status of the position or my possible candidacy, I hit Craigslist. I fired off an email in response to a gig that sounded pretty good. I avoided the usual overthought formal cover letter and just sent a succinct email along with my resume. BAM! Response came back quite quickly. The recruiter thought I was a good candidate and wants to send my resume on to the hiring manager. All sounds good to me. But here we go -- she needs to send along 'a demo reel' and asked if I had anything on line. Of course the answer is no, I don't.

I wrote her back a couple hours later saying that I'd put together a list of URLs that highlight some of the projects I was involved with. I have to get that done by like Wednesday morning.

Oh, and in an effort to avoid following up with the aforementioned Ignorer, I also sent off an email and resume to a friend of a friend who is looking for a researcher/associate producer for a documentary film studio. I have a feeling that the pay is obscenely low and that nothing will come out of it, but at least I went for it, right?

Praise me. Please. I could use it.

Wednesday, August 9

Great Moments in SPAM Subject Headings

Subject: huge crappie
From: decouplecircuitry@execs.com
Price: $0.27

You know what? I have information this stock will be a market winner very soon.

Check it out right now! Look at the chart !

Read all the news:
Contracts with Saudi airlines and Airone in Place!

Friday, August 4

Friday: Better Living Through Advertising (and Jogging)

The dank mood that slithered over me on Wednesday has abated, due in part to the run along the strand that I forced myself to go on yesterday morning (see kids, that played line about exercise helping to elevate mood and ensure a good night's sleep isn't bunk). The fact that it's Friday doesn't hurt either.

In any case, I've picked myself up by the jockstrap bootstrap and am determined to fight that type of thinking. What better way to do that then through advertising, right? (How's that for a forced segueway?)

Here are a couple of advertisements (print) I came across that either made me think or at least smile. I highly recommend you click on the image to see the higher-res version. [via creativecriminal]

This one's for a nail strengthening product from Kuala Lumpur.

This one's striking- it's for Amnesty International, installed in Frankfurt.

An Australian ad for condoms. The byline is "protect yourself". Love it.

Wednesday, August 2

Black Clouds Overhead

It's one of those days where, for no good or apparent reason, I'm feeling really frustrated, depressed, and hopeless about aspects of my living situation.

I've managed to internalize it to such an extent that I actually just feel sleepy from the funk. I'm too tired to spin out emotionally or run with the pessimistic thoughts lounging about in the Pantheon of my mind.