Wednesday, August 16

Hint: The Answer Rhymes with "Truck Mess"

Click image to view video [via Rawstory]

My favorite description of our illustrious leader: "intellectually shallow & one of the most incurious public figures ever". Owch. I'd expect to hear that said in reference to Paris Hilton or the like, not the Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America.

The footage of Bush at a press conference in Germany with Chancellor Angela Merkel is almost to painful to watch. No wonder the Germans think we are all idiots. Go make yourself sick do yourself a favor and watch this penetrating news analysis of the president of the US.

1 comment:

LFSP said...

oh, that's penetrating, alright.... *heh*

"I thought you were gonna ask about the pig!" ... It's my new line when I'm put on the spot.