Thursday, February 22

How Math & Sex Are Alike

I don't get either one.

Black Dogs

A couple things:
  • I've started using Scroogle (Google scraper - ads and IP address tracking removed). I recommend it. I even added it to the little search bar in the upper right of my browser - if you use Firefox you can add it here. We're going to look back at this time in history and balk that one company had so much access (stored and realtime) to so many aspects of our lives. And check this out. [Business Week]
  • I'm interested in this dude Anthony Storr after learning of his book, "Churchill's Black Dog and Other Phenomena of the Human Mind". He sounds like an interesting individual.
  • I'm actively trying to get executed from Gawker's comments. So far I haven't been successful. I will have to try harder to be an asshole I guess (although, upon reflection, perhaps being LESS of an asshole will guarantee a swift beheading...)
  • I'm watching Oprah Winfrey as a guest on Ellen right now. Very weird. Becoming a 'phenomenon' in the media and the megalomania (not to mention the ca$h) that accompanies it must be such a weird, unreal thing. Must remember to write about that when it happens to me...
  • I'm going on a (big) trip tomorrow morning. I'm not really particularly excited about it yet.

Wednesday, February 21

I'm Packing My Bags

My trip requires a passport which is exciting. I'm off to visit 2 new places.

She's as pleased as I am about my trip.


I don't know if it was due to the very rigorous workout this morning (my personal trainer gets me to work hard), the fact that I am successfully decreasing the number of cigarettes I smoke in a given day, or the fact that my impending trip to South America is < class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_0">thru the internet and checking emails.
When I have posted things here, they are usually sarcastic, insignificant, or trivial. Above all, they haven't been very personal. Not a lot of 'growth' has taken place as a result of my half-arsed blogging.

That being the case, I am going to be writing more more substantial posts (case in point) and workshopping a couple things in this space.

On an unrelated note, I am really beginning to hate on Gawker. It has really, really gone downhill in terms of intelligence, relevance (rhyme!) and wit. Methinks it's time to move on from it and the accompanying celebu-gossip nonsense that has taken over the mass media.

Tuesday, February 20

I Believe the Children Are Our Future

I bet this little one is a riot.

Girl, 8, makes 100 prank 911 calls

SHEBOYGAN, Wis., Feb. 20 (UPI) -- No charges will be filed against an 8-year-old Wisconsin girl who made more than 100 prank calls to emergency operators last week.

Lt. Jim Risseeuw of the Sheboygan County, Wis., Sheriff's Department said the unidentified girl was traced with the help of AT&T and TracFone, which identified the phone's owner as the girl's mother, the Sheboygan Press reported Tuesday.

The woman had stopped using the phone but all cell phones can call 911 even if they don't have active service.

Risseeuw said the third-grader identified herself to dispatchers as "Matthew" when she made the calls, some of which contained profanities, the report said.

However, he said because of her age, she won't be charged.

"At this point, the matter was corrected," Risseeuw said. "We'll leave it for the parents to deal with."


I am a colon!
Find your own pose!

Colon Traits and Tendencies
The Colon is the chosen pose of individuals who, on their own, seem awkward or remote. They may be the sort who responds to telephone messages with email, or spends their lunchtimes quietly pedometer-walking in lieu of socializing with coworkers. But when a Colonist finds its mate, together they acquire a grace and ease that surprises friends and family.

This part is what struck me:
Since Colonists rely so heavily on their partners to give them context and spark, the times when business or family obligations take one of them away from home can leave both sleepers demoralized.

My New Ringtone

Because I'm mildly off, this actually made me smile.


Ya Think?

This doesn't surprise me in the least.

On an unrelated note, I'm feeling pretty down lately (again). I am growing more and more weary of these cycles of excitement or optimism followed by days of pure boredom, directionlessness (that's a sad word), frustration & gnawing anxiety.

I'm leaving town (and country) on Friday for a big trip that's been in the works for months now.
I'm already not looking forward to the huge letdown/crash that will mark my return.
Upon my return from said trip, I will truly have nothing to use as an excuse for my lack of direction.

Don't cry for me.

Thursday, February 15

Little Purple Cauliflower

click the image for a ginormous-rez image
That chapstick's for reference

Bummer Thursday

The intense and royal funk that seized me today caught me completely off guard. I don't think I performed one task that was either productive or significant. I just could not summon the...ability to do anything that I "should" have.

My current mood: rank
A stinkbug

Wednesday, February 14

This Makes Me Homesick

A couple years back, some folks my my grad program developed PacManhattan. Go!Team picked up on it for this awesome video.

Still Life: Healthy Lunch in Institutional Serving Tray

felafel, hummous, tabbouleh, tzaziki, etc -
like a vegetarian prison-roleplay or something.. or Mensa I guess.

Tuesday, February 13

Pro Bonehead

I've spent the entire day from the minute I woke up (7.30am) until about 3 working on a website for a friend's company. Well his DBA to me precise. There are 2 things that are 'funny'¹ about this:
1. I'm not getting paid for it.
2. I don't have my own personal web presence up yet. Or even designed for that matter.

Go figure.

¹By 'funny' I mean not funny.

Monday, February 12

I, Jellyfish

Well I had a session with a personal trainer this morning. It was supposed to be last Friday, but he slept through it. (I can't say I blame him, since the session was gratis.) In any case, trainer and I both made it today for our 8am meeting.

I am disgusted. Apparently it's miraculous that I have the strength to even lift myself out of bed in the mornings. It seems that my muscles (if indeed there are any) in my butt and lower back are so useless, that I compensate for their pathetic-osity by thrusting my shoulders forward and doing all sorts of weird stuff with my foot angles. Oh and that myth about isolating a muscle when working it as being 'good form' is bullshit too. I need to do more "combination exercises".

In other words, this is what I resemble on a musculo-skeletal level:
I'm bummed out. Oh and to add insult to injury, at the end of the consultation/session we went through the song-and-dance about booking a package of sessions, etc.. It was at this point that the reality of my situation slapped me hard in the face: I. Am. Broke.

Let's see:
Out of shape: check
Weak: check
Poor Form: check
Financially wrecked: check

Thanks, Monday.

Friday, February 9


I can't even begin to explain how I came across this (MySpace). I do recall seeing some production stills some time back of some Spartans against a blue-screen , not knowing what it was for.
Regardless, it looks goooood, yo. Ima go see this on IMAX the day it opens. Ffrrreelz.

300 Trailer Video

Thursday, February 8


This is weird on a number of levels: Anna Nicole Smith in a Brian Ferry video for a cover of "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow.

Can Someone Please Explain This to Me?

Rest in Peace, Anna

Screw the commenters at Gawker, this is sad.

Wednesday, February 7

Transitions vol. 2

After a decent hiatus from being interested in music, I've recently begun to check stuff out again. I was asked to help plump up an Amazon order to get free shipping so I haphazardly chose the latest work by John Digweed, Renaissance Transitions vol. 2.

If the beats are as nasty as this cover image, I won't be reporting back on this. Let's assume we can't judge this book disc by it's cover though.

[An additional note: I always preferred his counterpart Sasha but he doesn't have anything fresh out since Fundacion NYC except for a limited edition set from his night at Avalon, LA back in 6.06.]

Update: 4'00 into track 2 and I'm enjoying it. Starts out thin, light, trancy..almost saccharine. So far so good.

[7:13pst] Update: there's a track called 'Dana' that I'm listening to as I mix Indian spices for my dinner (shrimp over yellow split-peas) that's bouncy/icey that I'm enjoying. That's 3 for 3.

View from the Driver's Seat

Having these 2 air 'fresheners' [1 lemon lime, the other 'hunk'] hanging from my rear-view is one small, but effective way of ensuring that I do not take myself too seriously -- specifically when it comes to worrying about what others may think of me.

One of them I purchased while waiting at a car wash, the other was a stocking stuffer from my father.

Hint: It's opposite of what you think.

List of Suck, Fashion Trainwreck, Personal Bestes

A. I have recently (this morning) embarked on a task as monumental as it is painstaking -- compiling the all-time Master List of Suck as it pertains to music from the 1980's. Fret not, I shall not be taking on this crucial chore alone. I will be diligently working with a lear-ned friend from both the east coast and the 80's. With only 6 items on the list, it is already cringe-inducing:
  1. Puttin' on the Ritz - TACO
  2. I Can't Wait - Nu Shooz
  3. U Got the Look - Sheena Easton
  4. Anything by Wang Chung (does that count?)
  5. Gimme All Your Lovin' - ZZ Top
  6. Twilight Zone - Golden Earring
  7. Ebony & Ivory
B. Whilst taking a break from the soul-wrenching work required for A. (above) I stumbled across some "fashion" photos from Heatherette's Fall '07 show. Seeing craptastic jokes like this make me feel much much better about leaving New York City.

If I only had a brain

Oh, don't turn and leave so soon douchebag Tin Man! [Please do click the image below to view it in all it's disgusting glory]

Do these pants make my ass look fLat?

I did see one "look" that I actually dig (see image below) and would try to rock if I maintain my newly resuscitated fitness regimen (hello my first personal trainer session is this Friday morning at 8am, suck it). I think the pants are fun and well tailored. The.."shirt" (?) harness hybrid is cool too when paired with the pants and the kicks round the whole thing out. Not sure what is happening with the bowling bag (?) but that can easily be left at home or lost in a bar after the second round.

Hell I'd hit wear this

C. Elaborating on points made in B. (above) I ventured to the gym again this morning in a bid to stave off the lethargic blahs that have been creeping into my headspace. After completing my first set of squats on the Smith machine a young gent walked over and in a friendly voice asked one of the more horrifying questions I've been asked by a stranger in the gym:
"Do you use this machine often?"
"Actually, no it's my first time using it," I lied in reply. (Actually it was the second time I ever used it, but the resort in Cabo San Lucas doesn't really count.)
"Well, I see a couple problems with your form that if we correct, I think you'll be more satisfied with."
Turns out the dude was a new trainer there and was making rounds, introducing himself to people "networking" and learning the ropes, faces, etc. He was actually very cool and friendly and showed me that if I place my feet (toes pointing forward, he emphasized) a few steps forward, I would isolate my butt and lower back taking undue stress off my knees and quads. He set me up in position -- after removing 50% of my weightload -- and I commenced with the squats using proper form. Tomorrow my ass should be paralyzed and rock solid.
He offered to give me a free session which I gladly accepted, so Friday morning at 8am yours truly will suffer the indignation that a workout with a personal trainer demands. I in turn will attempt to solve his dropped-frame issues in Final Cut so he can edit his footage from his 2.5 week surfing trip to Bali. (Mostly "interviews, party footage, people being stupid," he explained.)

Saturday, February 3

You Are

Drifting At Lightning Speed

February already? Wow, how the hell did that happen?

Time is passing rather quickly..a few days down at home base interspersed with jet-setting.

Got a few things in the pipeline; things 'under development' but none of it to a point I care to elaborate on.

Look at this: