Wednesday, February 21


I don't know if it was due to the very rigorous workout this morning (my personal trainer gets me to work hard), the fact that I am successfully decreasing the number of cigarettes I smoke in a given day, or the fact that my impending trip to South America is < class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_0">thru the internet and checking emails.
When I have posted things here, they are usually sarcastic, insignificant, or trivial. Above all, they haven't been very personal. Not a lot of 'growth' has taken place as a result of my half-arsed blogging.

That being the case, I am going to be writing more more substantial posts (case in point) and workshopping a couple things in this space.

On an unrelated note, I am really beginning to hate on Gawker. It has really, really gone downhill in terms of intelligence, relevance (rhyme!) and wit. Methinks it's time to move on from it and the accompanying celebu-gossip nonsense that has taken over the mass media.

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