Wednesday, January 18

Finally, the long overdue Brokeback Mountain entry

In a marathon week of movie going, I finally saw Brokeback Mountain (days after Memoirs of a Geisha).

Simply put, this is definitely one of the best American films I've seen in a long time. [I'm still burnt and embarrassed by 'A.I.' from years back.]

I didn't even find it overtly gay. I mean, I need to see some significant amounts of ManLove for a movie to qualify as a 'gay' one. The story and backdrop of the film are really original and compelling. All the lead actors were good - even Ennis' wife (played by Heath's realworld wife, Michelle whatever-her-name-is).

Without dropping spoilers, I saw this film with very little information and was completely caught off guard by the turn of events.

(begins to choke back sobs)

Suffice to say, that you should see this movie. It's important and well made.

And fine, I'll admit it, those 2 boys are easy to watch as they rough-house and spend time together. If you want me to get all school-girlie about it, check this out.

This is a good review. [Pajiba - Scathing Reviews for Bitchy People]


Anonymous said...

Its all just so gay and romantic and cowboyish, and I mean that all in a good way.

Though what is up with Jake not showing at the Golden Globes?

ctrl-freak said...

Apparently he was in Palm Springs at a bar that was formerly a Mexican gay bar. Word is there was some film festival there days prior.

Where's he been for all this BB hoopla anyway? Gawker Stalker has him sighted in E. Village, NYC with Fangs this past weekend.