Monday, June 26
Case Study in Horrible Television and Complete Freakiness
I honestly don't know what referred me to this video, but it's both entertaining and disturbing on a number of levels. Enjoy it. Discuss. My money's on the fact that it's complete and utter artifice on both the producer's part and on the part of the 'victim', but I don't really care to ponder it much further.
Wednesday, June 21
Don't Cry for Me, Argentina, Cylons, Etc.
The Netherlands are playing Argentina. As. I. Type.
So far, it's tied at zero. The color of NED sure is (for playing on a dark highway). No seriously, the orange is so intense it's leaving screen-burn on my monitor. To quote the idiotic sportscaster, "The parade of yellow cards continues."
Whoa, hello NED #17 - Ladies & Gents meet Wesley (haha) Sneidjer:
- In other news, I've been geeking out hardcore by watching the Battlestar Galactica remake on DVD. Say what you will, but it's actually some of the more compelling television programming I've seen in a while. Perhaps it's tapping into the 8 year old I was when the original was on air. Perhaps it's the parallels between the made-for-tv drama and the current political upheavals. It's good, regardless.
- I have another job interview this Friday morning at a start-up that a friend is working at. She told me to "dress cool". (RUDE) So now I'm sure to make a bad fashion call and show up looking like an idiot. I'm thinking that my red Team USA beret from the winter Olympics will have the perfect balance of 'edgy' and quirky while still conveying a sense of cool aptitude, whaddya think?
- In an effort to embarrass a certain lurker of these pages, I'm debating crafting a post that describes - in salacious detail - a certain erotic escapade that involved underpants being torn from the body and a lot of gymnastic man-on-man action. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, June 20
FIFA Fever
Whoa, what's this? #3 is um..talented for sure. Wait, it's the captain, Olof Mellberg. Let's do some background, shall we?
Sweden captain Olof Mellberg looks as though he would be just as comfortable in a Viking long ship as he is on the football pitch. Standing at 187cms and weighing 83kg, the bearded defender cuts an imposing figure at the back and his tough, uncompromising tackles make him a fierce opponent, providing a protective shield on which goalkeepers know they can rely.
1:20PST - Tied up 1:1
Announcers are blabbing about the US vs. Ghana match. Face it, folks, the US Team sucks. Apparently 2 of Ghana's starters are out, which is a good thing for the US team. How sad. We can only perform/win when the other team is handicapped or if they accidentally score a goal for us? Shameful.
1:22 Owch. An elbow to the face.
1:30 There's Becks. Haha, the announced acknowledges that there's a lot of "tugging and grabbing" going on. Yeah there is.. Now they're trying to besmirch his good name by bringing up some of the complaints people have had re: Beckham's move to Real Madrid and how he shouldn't be captain, etc. Whatever. We wish we had a player as skilled and interesting (pop culturally) as him.
It's hard to watch and blog this shit at the same time.. Beckham just corner kicked. #21 ENG heads it. Ball moves back upfield.
1:36PST Swedish free kick. Cleared by ENG.
1:37PST Handball called vs. Edmund #5 SWE.
(Freddie Lundberg is great to watch.)
Edmund is sticking to Beckham, resulting in less than stellar performance.
1:40PST Yellow card - tackle from behind vs. 7 -Alexandersson.
We're in the 85th minute of play. England is being praised for playing an excellent
1:44PST Yellow card vs. Lundberg
Paraguay just scored in their match, eliminating Trini
Looks like England will be denied it's first victory over Sweden since 1968.
I gotta watch no more blogging. 3 more minutes added.
More bashing on Beckham.. Yawn. I hate American commentators for international sports.
Sweden will play Germany.. Intersting. That should be good.
Game's Over - Draw.
I Comb the Internet So You Don't Have To
The others are just weird, funny, or interesting.
- *Recumbent Fuckheads [corporate-casual]
- *Boys Don't Cry [forksplit]
- Things My Boyfriend Says [written by a girl]
- Weird Russian (?) Guy Who Made a Musical Suit - cool demo (requires audio)
- High Concept WTF?! - [Book of Numbers]
- Arthurian Pictures [as in King Arthur]
Monday, June 19
A Model Citizen: Kung-Fu & Library Cards
Since I had my lease in hand, I popped in next-door to the library and am now the proud owner of this:
And what will I tote my freshly minted library card around in, you may ask? Well, my brand spankin' new Ninja-Kitty Gama-Go wallet that I picked up this weekend down in Laguna at the opening of Pervasion! (showcasing Gary Baseman & Tim Biskup's work):
Thursday, June 15
Guns, Not Gays Threaten Marriage
From My Way
ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) - A marriage-minded man ran naked through his neighborhood, trying to show his hesitant girlfriend that taking risks is important. He got more than he bargained for when he ended up being chased and shot at.
"Just when you thought you had heard everything," Ann Arbor police Detective Sgt. Jim Stephenson told The Ann Arbor News.
The couple were discussing marriage early Wednesday when the woman said she wasn't sure if she was ready, according to Ann Arbor police reports. The man responded that taking risks is an important part of life and, to prove his point, jumped out of a first-floor window and ran naked across the street.
Before he could return, he spotted a couple walking and hid in some bushes to avoid them. A 28-year-old man noticed the bushes rustling and bare feet underneath, then drew a .40-caliber handgun and ordered the naked man out, police said.
The naked suitor ran away, but the armed man gave chase and threatened to shoot, police said. The gunman fired a shot and the naked man fell to the ground, suffering minor injuries.
A resident called police, who arrested the gunman on charges of aggravated assault and carrying a concealed weapon. He was taken to the Washtenaw County jail but released following further investigation, police Sgt. Patrick Hughes told The Associated Press.
The naked man was not arrested and didn't want to pursue charges, Hughes said.
Wednesday, June 14
A Metaphor
Tuesday, June 13
Sudden Realization -- Goth:My Day :: Emo: Now
Until now I had the mistaken notion that 'emo' was more of a folk/indie type thing. Like Eliot Smith and whatnot. Whatever. Anyway, this girl Hope and I would have been great friends in High School.
Update: Haha! Apparently, I am not alone in my confusion. This thread at covers it with illustrative .jpgs.
I Promise This is the Last Coulter Post *EVER*
His eloquence and pertinence are to be admired.
What? Not Bagel-Ann Microfiche Damon?
And if you don't get the title to this post, check out Corporate Casual. He's funny as hell, and most likely not very work-safe.
Survey Says Esquire's Readership is Obtuse and Boring
And < sarcasm> such imaginative choices for the ladies < /sarcasm> : Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston, Oprah Winfrey. Asleep. Hell, even I'd choose Condoleeza Rice over them. I'd pick Ms. Fucking Pac-Man over any of them.
This is how I wake up and read the news. Two nights of insomnia (thanks again RJ Reynolds!) are probably to blame.
Monday, June 12
Monday Morning Summary
Second, I'm pleased to announce that hypocrite Mary Cheney's book is tanking and will result in her publisher taking a fat loss. [RawStory]
And third, here's a perfect example of why very often, American's suck and Japanese people rock.
Well criminals, anyway. [News via MyWay]
I heard a couple of factoids this weekend about Man Coulter. Accusations of plagiarism for one. And she lies about her age (along with where she lives in order to commit voter fraud).
Sunday, June 11
Chateau duh Winetasting --My Wine Tasting Journal: First Entry
Columbia Valley [Woodinvale, Washington]
-low acidity, perhaps too low?
-fruits: apple, melon, citrus [note: not to ctrl-freak, but to drinking companion]
-teensy oaky fragrance; not much in mouth
Cost: $12.00/$9.00
2. Chateau St. Jean - 2003 - Merlot
Kenwood, California
-to eye: pretty thick/dark
-to nose: cordouroy, alcohol-y
-to mouth: somewhat tart; lighter bodied than expected
finishes quicker than expected
tannic: not very
Chardonnay was forgettable; Merlot was fun, light, good starter for $;
I have a feeling that pricier Chardonnays will end up being more 'rewarding'
Uh, Cleanup in Aisle 4
Jun 10, 9:28 PM (ET)
CEDAR CITY, Utah (AP) - A 28-year-old woman has been cited for lewdness for exposing herself inside a store. The woman was riding a motorized cart inside Lin's Market Place on Thursday with her pants around her ankles and not wearing underwear.
Customers didn't notice the woman until she would stand up from the cart and bend over to look at items on the shelf, exposing her buttocks.
The woman told police she arrived in Cedar City with a circus but was left behind.
Saturday, June 10
Friday, June 9
First Sad, Then Crazy
- A good, sad read. [A Hundred's Not Enough,]
- I flip a major F.U. to the RJ Reynolds tobabcco company. Total bullshit I tell you. I'm cleaning the goddamned grout in my kitchen while simultaneously writing with a .2 mm micro-fine point pen because my mind is hell-bent on control of small tight tiny things as I detox from a lifetime of abusing their product.
I dreamt in Chinese last night.
I don't speak Chinese.
Wow, That's Busy
Very busy person: In class I start saying "African American" and then I'm like, fuck it, and I say "black black black..." I don't have time to be saying "African American."
--27th & 10th
via Overheard in New York, Jun 7, 2006
Thursday, June 8
The Burden
Since this shitty, free web publishing application simply ATE my last post all about the Protect Marriage Bullshit that is going on in this
THE BURDENTwo monks were returning to the monastery in the evening. It had rained and there were puddles of water on the road sides. At one place a beautiful young woman was standing unable to walk accross because of a puddle of water. The elder of the two monks went up to a her lifted her in his alms and left her on the other side of the road, and continued his way to the monastery.
In the evening the younger monk came to the elder monk and said, "Sir, as monks, we cannot touch a woman ?"
The elder monk answered "yes, brother".
Then the younger monk asks again, " but then Sir, how is that you lifted that woman on the roadside ?"
The elder monk smiled at him and told him " I left her on the other side of the road, why are you are still carrying her? "
Tuesday, June 6
Ann Coulter Continues to Embarrass Herself and Nauseate Us
Poor Matt Lauer had to smell this so early in the morning..I believe this is worse than having Tom Cruise accuse you of being "glib".
(I wonder how her felony voter-fraud case is going?)
Oh hell, why we're slumming it with talk of her Nastiness, here's an interesting post apparently written by a relative of Ann Coulter's - phrases like "hated nazi" & "real slut" are used to describe. Also, she's a big pathetic liar who has to have media training from people from the RNC in order to learn her "lines" . Classic. She's not only a bitch, she's a dumb one at that.
Crooks and Liars recap
Becks vs. the Forces of Evil
Body Language Analysis
Sunday, June 4
Do You Think the Monkey in Charge of the US Would Understand This If He Saw It?
Oh Spam, Don't You Ever Take a Break from Clogging Up My Inbox?
Try it.
Saturday, June 3
Merde sainte ! Oeil du tigre
File Under: Freak, French, funny
Annie, Get Your Lawyer
Unfortunately, she got the best representation money can buy.
Marcos Jimenez is the dude who fought for Cheney/Bush to
Friday, June 2
Thursday, June 1
My Internet Quest is Over
Wait, shit -- it's a shopping site?? HTF can an unemployed philosopher afford to buy crap like this:
Actually, it's pretty funny, in a dorkish way.
It Can Never Be Said Enough, Helen & Why Are You Such a Bitch?
From: Helen []
Date: 9:09am
Subject: you remember
Seriously how many times can it be said.
If ur angry w/ur extra pds, check out how 2change at
too. through me. "Black Basically Billy" And light
File Under: Spam