Monday, June 12

Monday Morning Summary

First, I'm pleased to announce that I can hear the ringtone loud and clear.. Take that you damn whippersnappers! [NYT]

Second, I'm pleased to announce that hypocrite Mary Cheney's book is tanking and will result in her publisher taking a fat loss. [RawStory]

And third, here's a perfect example of why very often, American's suck and Japanese people rock.
Well criminals, anyway. [News via MyWay]

I heard a couple of factoids this weekend about Man Coulter. Accusations of plagiarism for one. And she lies about her age (along with where she lives in order to commit voter fraud).


LFSP said...

First: Even with my speakers cranked up all the way, I can barely hear that ring tone, and what I *can* hear hurts my ears. (But then, I have tinnitus.)

Re: Mary. Happy happy, joy joy! Her book has no business selling for shit, especially during Pride month. I can't bring myself to look at it, and even if I did, I suppose the only thing I'd want to know is how she justified being a huckster for Colorado Piss Water when everyone knows a portion of the profits were going to gay-bashing campaigns.

Boo, hiss and fuck off, Mary! You are an embarrasment to our Family.

ctrl-freak said...

a) Sorry you can't hear the ringtone. You must be old.

b) I'd pay to watch Mary Cheney take out Man Coulter in a to-the-death cage match.
But then again, I'm a pacifist in a great mood today.

With an obvious sarcasm-abuse condition.