Monday, June 19

A Model Citizen: Kung-Fu & Library Cards

It's another beautiful day out so I was inspired to go down to City Hall and register my badself in order to sign up for an evening class; that went down without a hitch. Assuming I perform the required online registration, I shall be spending my Monday evenings learning "streetwise" self-defense. Yep, that's right. Here's what I imagine I shall look like to any potential thug who tries to bring me down, after completing my local evening course

I hope to learn more of a Crane Style than Viper, but whatevs

Since I had my lease in hand, I popped in next-door to the library and am now the proud owner of this:
yeah, I was disappointed too with the design too - Imagine the Possibilities for sure

And what will I tote my freshly minted library card around in, you may ask? Well, my brand spankin' new Ninja-Kitty Gama-Go wallet that I picked up this weekend down in Laguna at the opening of Pervasion! (showcasing Gary Baseman & Tim Biskup's work):

outfitted with zipping coin section!

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