Wednesday, August 2

Black Clouds Overhead

It's one of those days where, for no good or apparent reason, I'm feeling really frustrated, depressed, and hopeless about aspects of my living situation.

I've managed to internalize it to such an extent that I actually just feel sleepy from the funk. I'm too tired to spin out emotionally or run with the pessimistic thoughts lounging about in the Pantheon of my mind.


drM said...

This is what Holly Golightly would call the mean reds.

Holly:You know those days when you get the mean reds?

Paul: The "mean reds?" You mean, like the blues?

Holly: No. The blues are because you're getting fat or it's been raining too long. You're just sad, that's all. The mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you're afraid, and you don't know what you're afraid of. Don't you ever get that feeling?

Paul: Sure. Some people call it angst.

Holly: When I get it, what does any good is to jump into a cab and go to Tiffany's. Calms me down right away. The quietness, the proud look. Nothing very bad could happen to you there. If I could find a real-life place that made me feel like Tiffany's, then... then I'd buy some furniture and give the cat a name.

I'm not doing anything tonight. Why don't you come over and I'll pour you a nice glass of wine and we'll sit on the deck and watch JM play with the dog and gossip about people we don't like.

ctrl-freak said...

That all sounds good to me.

One slight mod: we don't have to gossip about people we don't like.. I think that would only make me feel worse about myself on a day like today. I need to elevate my sense of self and trashing others won't do it. (Unless we're talking about Mann Coulter or Mel I-Hate-Everybody Gibson)

Tomorrow, on the other hand...

drM said...

we'll go get a massage and facial (shut up, men do to) at my favorite day spa, then we'll sit outside on the river at my friend's wine bar, and we'll sip champagne and eat olives and talk about eastern philosophy and mindfulness and enlightenment and then we'll trash Britney Spears

LFSP said...

Sorry to read about your black clouds. Hope that's a thing of the past, rather than a present state of being.

Just wanted you to know I showed your blog to my ENTIRE class (Clinical Work with Diverse Populations) because we used the video clip -- "Permission" -- in our presentation when another queer video we were expecting did not arrive from Netflix in time.

So something from your blog has now been broadcast onto a big projection screen for the edification of graduate students. Nice work, Ctrl-Freak.

ctrl-freak said...

Well, UCM that certainly is interesting..My pseudonym on the big screen - who would've thunk?

Did you ever think that if someone in your class hits my blog, they will eventually make their way back to yours and learn every single personal detail about their classmate that you post? [I did add you to my sidebar, afterall..]

LFSP said...

If only the people in that class were curious enough to go looking for your blog again.... But they won't. All that showed up on the screen, aside from your URL, was the video.

Anyway, among the more frightening things that has happened with regards to *my* blog was Dr. M threatening to take a printout of blog about the wretched presentation on aging to the department chairman. She was so disgusted by the story.... I was like, "Um, doncha know it'd be *obvious* who wrote that, Dr M?" YIKES!