Friday, August 4

Friday: Better Living Through Advertising (and Jogging)

The dank mood that slithered over me on Wednesday has abated, due in part to the run along the strand that I forced myself to go on yesterday morning (see kids, that played line about exercise helping to elevate mood and ensure a good night's sleep isn't bunk). The fact that it's Friday doesn't hurt either.

In any case, I've picked myself up by the jockstrap bootstrap and am determined to fight that type of thinking. What better way to do that then through advertising, right? (How's that for a forced segueway?)

Here are a couple of advertisements (print) I came across that either made me think or at least smile. I highly recommend you click on the image to see the higher-res version. [via creativecriminal]

This one's for a nail strengthening product from Kuala Lumpur.

This one's striking- it's for Amnesty International, installed in Frankfurt.

An Australian ad for condoms. The byline is "protect yourself". Love it.


drM said...

i'm so happy you're feeling better. And aren't you GLAD you're not in NYC right now with it being eleventy billion degrees there?

Love the rubber ad, btw, had to forward that to eboy.

LFSP said...

I needed to see that condom ad this evening. Very good reminder of why I'm insane to even think about children. Yuck.