Monday, August 14

Interesting Question

Assuming you do, that is..'Cause I don't.

Why Do You Work So Hard?

On a somewhat related note, I sent out a cover letter and resume last week to a place and should really call today to follow up..I won't though. Months ago I had written a nice introductory letter requesting an informational interview at this firm in an effort to learn more about the particulars of the multimedia industry here. I sent the letter to the head of recruitment for hell's sake - it's not like I bothered the CEO - and you know what I got? No. Response. At all.
I followed up my letter with an email. No reply. From the head of recruiting. Not even a form email "thanks for your interest blah blah blah unfortunately blah blah can't help you at this time blah blah blah". I'd like her job. Don't do shit and get a title and salary. Sweet.

So when I came across what sounded like a decent gig that I was in all likelihood qualified to do, my gut sank a little when I realized I'd be sending my resume and letter to the same (lazy) woman who ignored me back in March.

Instead of calling her today to meekly inquire if my resume and letter had been 'received in good order' and to follow up on the status of the position or my possible candidacy, I hit Craigslist. I fired off an email in response to a gig that sounded pretty good. I avoided the usual overthought formal cover letter and just sent a succinct email along with my resume. BAM! Response came back quite quickly. The recruiter thought I was a good candidate and wants to send my resume on to the hiring manager. All sounds good to me. But here we go -- she needs to send along 'a demo reel' and asked if I had anything on line. Of course the answer is no, I don't.

I wrote her back a couple hours later saying that I'd put together a list of URLs that highlight some of the projects I was involved with. I have to get that done by like Wednesday morning.

Oh, and in an effort to avoid following up with the aforementioned Ignorer, I also sent off an email and resume to a friend of a friend who is looking for a researcher/associate producer for a documentary film studio. I have a feeling that the pay is obscenely low and that nothing will come out of it, but at least I went for it, right?

Praise me. Please. I could use it.


drM said...

i'm just worried that you're going to sleep with the first shitty guy that comes along and then end up dating him for two years because you think there's just nothing better out there and at least it's better than being single.

er, except substitute "sleep with" "shitty guy" and "date" for "take a job with" "shite position" and "work for."

I was walking along bleeker & christopher sts today and thinking of you.

LFSP said...

I have long been an advocate of laziness, which I define very broadly as "doing whatever the hell I feel like doing."

So it's not that there's no "work" involved. It's just that I want to decide when, where and how it's going to go down without there being any threat to my livelihood or my lifestyle.

If you can afford to do so, hold out for what you want, baby. In the words of Carol King, "hold out for the real thing."

And fuck that good-for-nothing recruiter.

ctrl-freak said...
