Thursday, February 22

Black Dogs

A couple things:
  • I've started using Scroogle (Google scraper - ads and IP address tracking removed). I recommend it. I even added it to the little search bar in the upper right of my browser - if you use Firefox you can add it here. We're going to look back at this time in history and balk that one company had so much access (stored and realtime) to so many aspects of our lives. And check this out. [Business Week]
  • I'm interested in this dude Anthony Storr after learning of his book, "Churchill's Black Dog and Other Phenomena of the Human Mind". He sounds like an interesting individual.
  • I'm actively trying to get executed from Gawker's comments. So far I haven't been successful. I will have to try harder to be an asshole I guess (although, upon reflection, perhaps being LESS of an asshole will guarantee a swift beheading...)
  • I'm watching Oprah Winfrey as a guest on Ellen right now. Very weird. Becoming a 'phenomenon' in the media and the megalomania (not to mention the ca$h) that accompanies it must be such a weird, unreal thing. Must remember to write about that when it happens to me...
  • I'm going on a (big) trip tomorrow morning. I'm not really particularly excited about it yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through my friend Jenny who is friends with Dana. I went to school with both of them. I know random, I thought you might be amused by a picture that I posted on my blog a while ago. Click on September archives, you might recognize someone.