Tuesday, May 15


Shane: Jerry Falwell is dead.
Co-worker: Didn't she just have a baby?
Shane: That's Geri

-comment at joe.my.god

Seriously, this news, and the ensuing commentaries (here or here or here) have brought me a sort of joy that I didn't know I was capable of feeling.

*Before anyone gets up in my grill for being..'evil' - I merely aim to illuminate the moral of the story: Be an unintelligent, hateful gasbag who amasses a fortune from hateful misguided pseudo-religious dabblings in politics, and people will dance on your grave when you die.

1 comment:

drM said...

I clapped and laughed when I heard the news. I *love* it when evil, bigoted, hateful, ignorant gasbags die. I love it! I love it! I love it!