Tuesday, July 31
This Should Go Without Saying
Not because of the obscene use of the double "xx". Not because the wares are sub-ghetto.
Because they mess with your credit/debit card after you make lame purchases of shitty socks and underware.
I'm just sayin'.
Sunday, July 29
Saturday, July 28
Proof Positive the Government Lies & Gets Off on Instilling Fear
TSA knew 'dry run' terror alerts were bogus [via Raw Story]
So let's see -- American's denied/delayed/unreasonably searched/forced to travel without adequate moisturizer: check. False terror alerts issued through major media outlets: check.The Transportation Security Agency's national security bulletin issued was based on bogus examples that were combined to give the impression of ominous terrorist plotting, CNN reports.
"That bulletin for law enforcement eyes only told of suspicious items recently found in passenger's bags at airport checkpoints, warned that they may signify dry runs for terrorist attacks," CNN's Brian Todd reported Friday afternoon. "Well it turns out none of that is true."
Thanks government! You're doing a hell of a job fighting the terrorists! We're really kicking ass in this War on Terrorism®.
Update: Haha, I couldn't even get through my morning coffee without bumping into another example of how fucked up the government has gotten with regard to paranoia, travel & "terrorism":
The Bush Administration recently demanded that air carriers collect broad personal information, including a traveler's sexual orientation, by threatening to turn planes away from Europe, and the European Union caved in.Good times, I tell you.. Good times.
... If you think I'm being alarmist, ask yourself why the government would be collecting information about someone's sexual orientation if they had no intention of ever using it.
Thursday, July 26
I don't know if "wasting millions" is how I'd describe corporate investments/entry into Second Life. I mean, hell, they "waste" millions on advertising too..
Tastes I've Aquired
List of acquired tastes, From Wikipedia
Tuesday, July 24
Monday, July 23
Friday, July 20
Open Letter to the Person Who Took My Watch Just Now at the Gym
Thanks for appropriating that nice silver Tag Heur men's sportswatch that you found on elliptical machine #1, you complete and utter piece of shit. Not only was that watch a dear gift to me from a loved one, it was also the last "nice" thing I owned. I removed it upon commencing my warm-up, and absentmindedly forgot to grab it when my trainer interrupted me to start working out. As soon as I realized I left it there -- about 25 minutes later -- it was gone.
I go to that particular gym at least 3x a week and have become friendly with many of the staff and regulars. It makes me sick to think that from now on I'll be exercising in the same space as some skanky, sneaky, shitty thief who sees an (obviously) nice item that does not belong to them and feels compelled to take it.
I hope you get a skin infection from my watch and your fucking hand rots off. And I hope the negative karma you've incurred for taking my watch which was a gift comes back in the form of an early death. GET IT? YOU'LL RUN OUT OF TIME PREMATURELY. HAHAHAHA, bitch!
And while I'm cursing you, I hope I find out who you are cause you're going to be the first person I assault in my lifetime.

And to the ugly, out-of-shape wannabe THIEF who knicked it, fuck yourself.
Thursday, July 19
Brack is Back
Regardless, brack is the new brack again.
Nightmare Fodder
Wednesday, July 18
Polygonum multiflorum
Anyways, back to Fo Ti -- it's also known as Chinese Knotweed (heh heh) or he shou wu (何首乌), named after the first man known to have ingested it. Who lived to be 132 years old. (And also had his his gray hair turn back to black, apparently.) I looked further into this alleged "elixir of life" and discovered that it is known for benefits other then the aforementioned.."vitality". The stuff is even better then I originally thought. [from Drug Digest]
- In animal studies, unprocessed fo-ti has showed some ability to improve memory, affect immune function, and protect the liver from toxins. All these effects are probably due to antioxidant properties of unprocessed fo-ti.
- ...processed fo-ti contains protein-sugar complexes known as lectins. Because they attach to specific arrangements of carbohydrates on cells in the body, lectins act like antibodies, but they do not cause allergy symptoms like most antibodies do. The lectins in processed fo-ti may affect fat levels in the blood, helping to prevent or delay heart disease by blocking the formation of plaques in blood vessels. Plaques are accumulations of fat and other cells that restrict the size of blood vessels and limit the flexibility of their walls. In animal studies, processed fo-ti also reduced the amount of fat that deposited in the liver. It may also protect the liver from damage by toxins such as dry cleaning fluid. Processed fo-ti may also have immune system effects.
- However, both unprocessed fo-ti and processed fo-ti have some similar effects. Both have been shown in animal and human studies to lower blood levels of “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and raise the levels of “good” high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. Antioxidant effects are believed to be involved, in addition to lectin’s activity. Although early results look promising, more studies are needed to prove the cholesterol-lowering effects of fo-ti.
The Headlines Get Gnarlier
In continuation of the slow, lame news stretch, here's more gross and pretty useless information.
Rest of the story here. [MyWay News]
Larvae Take Up Residence on Man's Head
Jul 17, 11:35 PM (ET)CARBONDALE, Colo. (AP) - Doctors thought the strange, bleeding bumps on Aaron Dallas' head might be from gnat bites or shingles. Then the bumps started moving.
A doctor found five active bot fly larvae living beneath the skin atop Dallas' head.
"I'd put my hand back there and feel them moving. I thought it was blood coursing through my head," Dallas told the (Glenwood Springs) Post Independent.
"I could hear them. I actually thought I was going crazy."
Tuesday, July 17
One of the Gnarlier Headlines I've Read

An Australian rugby player who went to his doctor with severe headaches was amazed to find he'd been living with an opponent's tooth embedded in his forehead for months, it was reported Tuesday.
Tuesday, July 10
Because Religion isn't Divisive Enough These Days
LORENZAGO DI CADORE, Italy (AP) - Pope Benedict XVI has reasserted the universal primacy of the Roman Catholic Church, approving a document released Tuesday that says Orthodox churches were defective and that other Christian denominations were not true churches.This is really one of those important reassertions that needs to be made - especially in such tranquil times as this. It's really not enough to just have all Christians thinking that other organized religions are godless cults; what we need is in-fighting between members of the same faith.
Thanks Benny!
Monday, July 9
Euphilotes battoides allyni

The tiny El Segundo blue has returned to two locations where it has not been seen in decades. Scientists are surprised at the resurgence.I shall endeavor to shoot and capture a specimen.
*With my CAMERA* LOLOLOL (mwah-mwah)
Monday, July 2
Is This Really Something that Needs a *Petition*?
That's more than sad. Normally, I don't go for online petitions, letters to Congress people, etc. but something about this struck a chord in me.
I'm all for the men & women who've represented our sad nation during the past few years of war getting all the mental health care they need or want.
The kickin heavy metal video is a nice touch.