Friday, July 20

Open Letter to the Person Who Took My Watch Just Now at the Gym

Dear Scumbag,

Thanks for appropriating that nice silver Tag Heur men's sportswatch that you found on elliptical machine #1, you complete and utter piece of shit. Not only was that watch a dear gift to me from a loved one, it was also the last "nice" thing I owned. I removed it upon commencing my warm-up, and absentmindedly forgot to grab it when my trainer interrupted me to start working out. As soon as I realized I left it there -- about 25 minutes later -- it was gone.

I go to that particular gym at least 3x a week and have become friendly with many of the staff and regulars. It makes me sick to think that from now on I'll be exercising in the same space as some skanky, sneaky, shitty thief who sees an (obviously) nice item that does not belong to them and feels compelled to take it.

I hope you get a skin infection from my watch and your fucking hand rots off. And I hope the negative karma you've incurred for taking my watch which was a gift comes back in the form of an early death. GET IT? YOU'LL RUN OUT OF TIME PREMATURELY. HAHAHAHA, bitch!

And while I'm cursing you, I hope I find out who you are cause you're going to be the first person I assault in my lifetime.

RIP, watch. I'll miss you. We had a lot of good times together.
And to the ugly, out-of-shape wannabe THIEF who knicked it, fuck yourself.


drM said...

eew that's awful and terrible and mean and nasty and violating and sickening. I'm so sorry.

ctrl-freak said...

Hey thanks for the sympathy, doc.
How much do I owe you for that?


Hey, you know what time it is, btw?