Saturday, July 28

Proof Positive the Government Lies & Gets Off on Instilling Fear

TSA knew 'dry run' terror alerts were bogus [via Raw Story]

The Transportation Security Agency's national security bulletin issued was based on bogus examples that were combined to give the impression of ominous terrorist plotting, CNN reports.

"That bulletin for law enforcement eyes only told of suspicious items recently found in passenger's bags at airport checkpoints, warned that they may signify dry runs for terrorist attacks," CNN's Brian Todd reported Friday afternoon. "Well it turns out none of that is true."

So let's see -- American's denied/delayed/unreasonably searched/forced to travel without adequate moisturizer: check. False terror alerts issued through major media outlets: check.

Thanks government! You're doing a hell of a job fighting the terrorists! We're really kicking ass in this War on Terrorism®.

Update: Haha, I couldn't even get through my morning coffee without bumping into another example of how fucked up the government has gotten with regard to paranoia, travel & "terrorism":
The Bush Administration recently demanded that air carriers collect broad personal information, including a traveler's sexual orientation, by threatening to turn planes away from Europe, and the European Union caved in.

... If you think I'm being alarmist, ask yourself why the government would be collecting information about someone's sexual orientation if they had no intention of ever using it.
Good times, I tell you.. Good times.

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