Monday, September 3

A Dater Miner's Dream :: Damn You, Kylie Kwong

So I caught an episode of some random cooking program with an Australian Chinese woman, Kylie Kwong on HGTV (I think). This led to me foraging the wilds of Amazon drunk ordering 2 of her books (one is on pre-order, thanks). So after receiving the first book, "Simple Chinese Cooking" (about which, NOTHING is simple), I plopped into my scorched car and drove to the deep heart of Torrance to my awesome Chinese SuperMarket, Ranch 99 to purchase things exotic, like Sze Chuan peppercorns, fermented black beans, and Blue Pagoda cooking wine. Tonight I'z attempting shrimp wontons, braised baby bok-choy, and chicken marinated in a whole bunch of stuff.

My initial take on Ms. Kwong:: anal retentive as hell but cuts vegetables on a mean diagonal.
If I get my act together, I may very well post pictures.

Oh and at Ranch99, besides the tanks of fresh living seafood (hello crayfish!) and the aisle of assorted "fermented" (read: rotting) vegetables, the cute infants being carted around by young Chinese couples shopping are ADORABLE.

**Update: The fact that I've envangelized Ms. Kwong to a fellow foodie friend via a blog post proves the post's title was aptly chosen.

1 comment:

drM said...

I love her already. i don't think i get HGTV though. Dammit!

My word verification is "isdqn"

Yes yes, I is de queen.