Wednesday, March 8

Agent Noneck, can you help our Faith Based Organization with this weekend's Bake Sale (pending approval by the Dept. of Homeland Security, of course)?


Worst. Oscars. Ever.
Seriously, it was a crash and burn in my book. Get it? Crash?! Haha.

Wait -- wrong post, I meant

Worst. President. Ever.
And that's not my opinion, friend, that the vox populii, yo!
Jesus, can I get some of what the 40%-who-do-approve group is smoking? (For my glaucoma. Really.) That is some seriously enviable denial. I may go so far as to accuse those 40% of disassociating with reality, but I can't really say I blame them at this point. It's an understandable escape.

Anywaaaay, what has our little 'leader' [cue trace amounts of vomit into mouth] gone and done now? It seems he's calling for the Department of Homeland Security to coordinate the expansion of faith-based organizations. (Yes, that's newspeak for religion.)

I can't think of a better governmental body to be involved with the expansion of religious-based groups in this country than the Dept. of Homeland Security.

Let's not paraphrase, let's go right to the source
[cue trumpets]
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to help the Federal Government coordinate a national effort to expand opportunities for faith-based and other community organizations and to strengthen their capacity to better meet America's social and community needs, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Blah blah blah blah Christianity state religion Blah blah blah everyone else go fuck off blah blah blah and we will be monitoring your activities blah blah blah and don't even think about it blah blah blah cause we'll haul your suspicious ass in and keep you for questioning blah blah blah until you are forgotten and rot away. Blah blah blah.

Jesus!, I mean..Symbolic Leader of a Faith-based Organization!

I'm going to go overdose on Cute Overload! now.

Well, Johnny, these used to be completely different streets.
They used to have a pretty decent divider between them.
After the president came, he sort of bulldozed it into one huge highway..And yes, those potholes are a bitch, Johnny.
Keep running. They may catch us.

-from the ongoing imaginary dialogue I have with my newborn nephew once he's grown up.

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