Monday, May 1

My Sleeping Pose, Numb Arms

I've been meaning to cover this for a while now. I just took the sleeping pose quiz and it was pretty accurate, I must say. The Tandem Pose it is. Here's my problem though. Look closely at the illustration. Here, I'll even retrieve it for you:
Notice the figure to the left. WHERE IS HER LEFT ARM? Lately, whenever I sleep on my side I seem to have a problem with what to do with the shoulder and arm that is on the bottom. I don't know what I've been doing the past thirty-something years with that arm, but recently I've been waking up with numbness and/or extreme stiffness. Sleeping on my back has proven a moderate solution, but that pose doesn't offer the extreme comfort that lying on my side with a pillow wedged between my knees does.

And advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


LFSP said...

I've got the same problem with the bottom arm -- although these days, I'm single and thus have nothing but a pillow to contend with. Nevertheless, the bottom arm still poses a problem. I "solve" it by bending at my elbow and touching the opposite shoulder, so it just crosses over in front of me. ... I still woke up with a really stiff neck this morning.

I don't know about the results of that quiz. This is what it said about me and whoever I sleep with (if ever again...). It certainly doesn't represent my social calendar accurately:

Pinching Koala and Tree couples experience a kind of super symbiosis that other sorts of couples (especially vegan couples) only dream of. The harmony that comes from this kind of pairing would be revolting if it weren’t so inspirational, which is why Pinching Koalas and Trees are often surrounded by friends and would-be friends, and their schedules are often booked months in advance.

drM said...

I look at that picture and can only think UGH, GET OFF OF ME. You've got your side of the bed, go use it. Mama needs her space.

ctrl-freak said...

Maybe you're right. I bet they used less-than-scientific methods in devising this 'test'.

I'm gonna try your Reverse-Pledge-of-Allegiance ninja sleeping move tonight though.

And finally, my friend, your social calendar should be as described, since you are - as Paris would so eloquently put it - hott.