Monday, May 22

Whoa, I Just Blew My Internets Mind

I installed this firefox extension called StumbleUpon. It is, simply put, awesome.

Since I've hit the new "Stumble!" button in my toolbar like 1 hour ago I have
  1. caused a 3D floating man to "dance" to the position of my mouse
  2. "painted" 70's retro tech images on some Italian site
  3. bookmarked a "Google Scraper", Scroogle cause Google is creepy
  4. Started playing some weird-ass "game" called Alter Ego that is basically a re-Choose Your Own Adventure with the storyline being Your Life.
  5. Watched countless YouTube videos, all of them worksafe and many of them funny.
  6. Designed a Warning Label
  7. encountered tons of like minded, cool-seeming people with good taste in websites
  8. freaked myself out and overloaded my brain
You should try it.

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