Thursday, May 18

The Thigh's The Limit!

Whoo that was a funny title.. Lemme compose myself.

The New York Times has yet again asked the hard question and explored the white-hot issue of men's swimwear. It seems that bathing suit lengths for adult men are receding. That's right -- bye bye boardshorts, hello thighs. And apparently this trend is none too soon in the coming:
Fashion watchers have been anticipating the change almost as closely as climatologists monitor sea levels.

See how serious this is?

From this watered down (haha, watered down, get it? Swim trunks? Watered down?) investigation, I'm left sure of one thing only: board shorts are for boys. Or men with skinny legs. Or Australians.

And they will come back into fashion eventually, because "fashion does come in waves."

Coming soon in NYT's Style Section: "White Tube Socks - Possibly Not Appropriate for Every Occasion."

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