Monday, July 10

Weekend Recap

A couple observations first:
  • Paris Hilton's single "Stars Are Blind" sucks as a single and is worse as a video (Logo, you should be ashamed of yourselves for airing it). I'm voting for a media blackout on that whore 'celebrity'. She's disgusting and embarrassing. Enough said.
  • Mad Hot Ballroom is an excellent movie. Great documentary about NYC public school kids who practice for a regional competition. The kids from Tribeca are all weird and neurotic, but the Dominican kids from Washington Heights rocked. I couldn't get over how adult the kids came across -- so articulate and sensitive. I think NYC does something to even children that results in their being...superior. It's the perfect 'feel good film' of the summer for me thus far.
  • Yesterday ended up being a Perfect Day© without effort.. Very Zen. Woke up, went to breakfast, then watched the World Cup final in HD (you're a scumbag Zidane). Came home, went for a 40 min. run, read a book. I ended up making a great dinner consisting of rainbow chard with pumpkin seeds and garlic, capellini with olive tapenade dressing, and the best chicken piccata (sauce) EVER. It's also very nice to know that after 14+ years with my mate, we can still put the sauce on low to leave the kitchen and rip each other's clothes off upstairs. (Thanks lucky jockstrap!). After a really great meal, we watched Mad Hot Ballroom (somewhat reluctantly at first because we really wanted to watch more Battlestar Galactica episodes but we're out).
How's that for too much information? Irregardless, I realized at the end of the day that it had been, a Perfect one.


drM said...

i *insist* that you move here and go running with me and then make me olive tapenade with a glass of white wine and then a plate of chicken piccata.

c'mon...I'll let you hang out on my NEW back deck and play with Abby the dog. Now, fetch me tapenade.

ctrl-freak said...

As soon as my hip stops sending searing pains into my groin and across the top part of my ass, I'll gladly go running with you, then fetch you some tapenade and piccata to go with the Chardonay.

Send me pictures of your deck.

LFSP said...

Please share the rainbow chard recipe. I love chard but need some new ways to cook it. Sounds yummy.

Irregardless is not a word, which you obviously know.

And it is *never* TMI to know that someone out there in the big bad world is still getting a wholloping bang bang bang while the sauce is simmering on low. But then, I'm single, so I've got to get my titillation from somewhere. Even gay men and their lucky jockstraps. *sigh*