Friday, December 16

News that's shaping our world

This one wins because it's got all the words crucial for a smashing headline: "dog heads, decapitated, moat". (Kyodo News via Yahoo!Asia)

Christmas Miracle: Turtle Gets Braces

Diapers Clogging Sewer Lines in Iowa

Thursday, December 15

Anger Strategies, Focus on the Family, and Bareback Mountain

Here we go.
Reviewers Call 'Brokeback Mountain' Twisted

by Pete Winn, associate editor

Gay love story carries a high "ick" factor.

I'm not going to link to the site because I deem it 'unacceptable' but go ctrl+C, ctrl+V it into your address bar.

Wednesday, December 14

It's never pretty when an adult male freaks out over losing something

Trust me I know.

Especially when the object that has been misplaced is one's over-the-ear sports earphones and one has already stretched out and is ready to run along the beach.
And it get's even uglier when one's roommate finds them exactly where they were left by the freaking out adult male.

I'll workshop that while I'm running.
When I return, I'll be blissed out and sorted.

I promise.

Tuesday, December 13

Faulty Logic, Irresponsible Reporting, and the Dumb Ass Govenator

Note to the writer who wrote the caption to this photo: protesting the murder of an individual at the hands of the state does not de facto mean support of the individual on Death Row. It may be a gesture of protest against the Death Penalty. This seems to be a variant of the appeal to motive fallacy and is irresponsible on the front page of a major (albeit shitty) newspaper.

Some people just think that regardless of who may be electrocuted, injected, shot, hung, stoned, starved, etc. by the government - it's plain wrong to kill people even if it's intention is to teach citizens a lesson about crime and punishment.

Monday, December 12

Damn, someone found out about this

So now I am forced to update it, keep it sharp, and produce compelling entries.

Thanks, doc.

Friday, December 2

December is here

and with it a renewed sense of purpose.
After another slip off the non-smoking wagon and the subsequent re-detox - which is marked by binge eating, rage blackouts, and general snippiness - i'm back to clean living for good this time. No more cheating. It's lame.

Now when I find myself nurturing that deep-seated urge to smoke a butt, I visualize mouth cancer. Something along these lines but much worse:

Harsh I know, but it should help.

Tuesday, November 15

Everyone out of the pool

This news story is somewhat disturbing. They've caught some little 'male' fish who display signs of intersex..That means they had girl parts in their boy parts. This is suspected to be due to pollutants from plants and treatment facilities contaminating the water.

I'm glad I find the Pacific Ocean too cold to swim in. I like my testes just the way they are, thanks.
No ovarian tissue for me!

Monday, November 7

Everything you ever wanted to know about Barebacking but were afraid to ask

via Queerty -

Not sure how I feel about this site [probably NSFW now that I think about it. Unless you are a hustler.] "Sero-Sorting instead of condoms"? That's a pretty hot potato now, innit? Regardless, this weird public-health information site enlightened me to things I've never known. Like how to shave one's junk properly or the benefits of [anal] douching before a date. My friend DRMack'n will love it. She's soooo into barebacking these days. From a research standpoint, that is.


Shirtless Guy

I don't know which is funnier - the article itself, or the fact that it's #2 in the LA Times "most emailed today" sidebar...

Anyway, this smells like a fake (viral) or something along the lines of, but if it's true it's funny.

This weird dude just walks around college shirtless and he's got a support group/fan club and all. My favorite quote - and the one that makes me believe this is bogus - is

"I think if it weren't for the Shirtless Guy," Kohelet
confessed, "I never would have had the courage to
unbutton the second to the top button on my shirt
and walk around showing a little chest hair."

You go, Shirtless Guy.

Friday, November 4

Bizarro World

Remember Bizarro, the anti-Superman from the Legion of Doom? He was basically the antipode of Superman, Truth, all that we know as sound and just.

So last evening in another installment of "Trying to Lead a (somewhat) Clean Life", I stayed in last night, split *1* bottle of wine and watched 'The Aviator' starring the recently-excised-from-Gisele-Bündchen, Leonardo DiCaprio.

About 20 minutes into the feature I became distressed and vocal about it. Something wasn't right, yet I couldn't quite pinpoint what off. Then in a flash it became clear: the editing was atrocious. I thought to myself, "perhaps the director had a friend or a cousin who needed some work and had a crack of Final Cut Pro on their machine or something" 'cause the editing SUCKED. Then my viewing partner reminds me that this is a Scorcese film. "No fucking way" I think to myself as I watch continuity flaws occur in almost every cut of the scene we're watching. [Note: I'm referrring the sundae eating antics of the 15 year old girl Howard Hughes takes out on the town. For starters.]

The film has it merits and I did learn a bit about H.Hughes, aviation of the time, etc. but the next morning the shittiness of the editing is still bugging me. So I google "Aviator bad editing" and the returns bring me to learn that the Aviator won the Academy Award® FOR BEST EDITING in the 77th Annual Academy Awards®. At that moment, everything I knew to be true and right was wrong.

Bizarro I tell you.

Friday, October 28

Betty & Veronica go goth

This is a nice time waster. The guy's blog seems an interesting mix of personal and professional I might add. Those canadians...

Thursday, October 27

We cheered me up

My recent bout o' the blues was assuaged somewhat this evening by that unlikely pick-me-up: the We channel. That's 'We' as in Women's Entertainment but whatever...

So right there in the middle of my 'i'm totally lost in my pre-middle age, what the hell am i going to do' subroutine when Jake Ryan pops up on my desktop. Such a well complected young guy, ain't he?

Monday, October 17

Madonna Offers Nothing Innovative - Still Huge Media Construct

"Hung Up" is boring. So are her suspiciously timed snatches at headlines.
I wish she would prove her relevancy.
The photo sightings outside the Roxy are a nice juicy touch though.

Tuesday, October 11

[Music] Free, fresh, fat beats

Shut up.
I'm finally getting back to music and no matter how you slice it, i'm still a fan of the trancier/ progressive/non-vocal/electronic sort. Is that too particular and/or retro? Tough.

XTC Radio streams great high-quality trance/prog house.

In iTunes it's Radio->Electronic->towards bottom of list of streams.
It's also available on the web.

I like it.

Thursday, September 22

Oh. My. God.

Pizazz, huh?

I'm going to get a drink and ponder what I've just seen.

I want this

Schwinn Sting-Ray Classic Series in coppertone.

Wednesday, September 21


Wow...These little patches sure pack a nice little buzz in them.
I'm sporting the Step 3 model right now, slapped carefully over my right shoulder.
After about 10 minutes, it begins to burn slightly, then itch worse. Some moments after that, a general foggy-headed type of euphoria kicks in. It's all very dramatic.

Intesting phenomenon, this addiction thing. I went for 2 days with no nicotine substitution, then today felt weak with heavy craving, so I went back to the box of patches. I think I shall use the entire course of them, regardless of whether or not I feel that I 'need' them, as I am hellbent on interrupting this cycle once and for all.

Wish me luck and thank the powers that be that I'm isolated during this.
Well, I have a comrade who's detoxing similarly -- but I'll leave that for another entry.

Wednesday, September 14

How Curious George Escaped the Nazis & Other Fun Things

From the NYT - "Curious George is every 2-year-old sticking his finger into the light socket, pouring milk onto the floor to watch it pool, creating chaos everywhere. One reason the mischievous monkey is such a popular children's book character is that he makes 4- to 6-year-olds feel superior: fond memories, but we've given all that up now." This article is both informative and uplifting. And who doesn't dig that wild little guy?

From Internet Radio: XTC Radio James Lauer XTCRadio Session July 13th 2005 Encore
Check out this nice little chop up at the beginning of the clip (18 Mbs) of Bette Davis Eyes that played on XTC Radio (hit it via their website or iTunes -> Radio -> Electronic -> XTC Radio 160 kbps). It's on here pretty much all afternoon thru the cocktail hours.

Washed Up

I still have yet to wrap my head around the fact that the figure to the left is the President of the United States...I'm mortified. Literally.

And while we're on it, Paris Hilton had a quickly aborted attempt at a music career now didn't she? Yes, I believe she did and her first only single was so aptly titled, "Screwed". Marketing genuis - the song sucks as hard as she does. Literally.

Oh Snap! I didn't.

Yes I did.

Well, if you want to amuse or divert your self from the truths given above, make your name in Coldplay X&Y code here.

Tuesday, September 13

Any movie that can mix Lamb's "Gorecki" into the sung dialogue and reference Anthony Michael Hall's rev-up in 16 Candles gets a nod of the hat. In the second evening of I'm Becoming A Huge Fag, I watched Moulin Rouge with my boy. Understand, this comes on the heels (pun intended) of lip-synching Mommie Dearest last night. (Both of which were available freely & easily via satelite, mind you). Television is getting really, really gay. So am I it seems. Gross.

To encapsulate: Moulin Rouge as a movie and audio mixing endeavor rocks.
I began crushing on Nicole Kidman whilst viewing this. She's architecturally gifted and seems like a nice girl who's just trying to get by. Watching her comic jumpings about to the tune of the Can-can is quite a sight to see. Check it, I rec it.

Oh shit, Truth or Dare is on now.. I picked a great week to quit smoking. For realz.

Friday, September 9


Despite the smackdown from Potential Great Job Offerer, I'm back in the fucking saddle (see below), guns blazing..

Of course, I mean I've thrown smoking cessation into the mix on top of all the bullshit I got going on upstairs about My Job/Life. So far so good.

Obnoxious Idea #1: upper arm tatoo of outline of nicoderm (transparent) patch peeling up slightly at edge

Sunday, August 21

File Under: New Paradigm

Tonight whilst killing time on my computer, I summoned up my DirecTV guide. As I flipped thru the channels I stumbled across a channel that had one of those "Boycott satellite Taxes in North Carolina!!" length names.. It's the Google Channel, y'alls..From the Internets!! Actually, it's pretty fucking sweet, in my humble opinion. They do these cute flashbacks for the +21 viewer that is like the opening for a Sunday night Charlie Brown or Battle of the Network Stars special, and runs a computer related story from like 1981..
JapanandFemaleEggDonation. No joke.
Okay, so expect to see from now on, many more references to this new supplier. Like when you find a new connection, and it's really sweet.

Friday, August 12

Shape of things to come

After having this machine for almost 6 months, I've finally sorted out the TV tuner built in. Now, add 300+ channels from satelite, and I can become to TV what Gene Shalit is to movies... Just some teasers on the content I've recorded and *could* share if i were feeling nice:

大いちょう o-ichou on sumo wrestler

Al Roker talking with an obvious expert how to avoid bear attacks in the woods..I'm not kidding. She's wearing suede pants for fucks' sake.

This is sweet -- Normal Fell/Mister Roper talking to Cleopatra Jones.

Except for that stupid sumo documentary bullshit, who says TV is garbage?

Thursday, August 11

File Under: Waste of a Domain

A typical morning - I rouse, make coffee, then settle in to read the news and whatnot. I come across this drivel and click-thru to hit the primary source -- Concerned Women of America..Jokers, I say. It's funny because I think I know many many concerned women in America and none of them hold beliefs in line with this charade of an organization. These "women" are boycotting Starbucks (no problem there) because the company "funds and promotes homosexual activism".
Ladies, I can only throw out a "what the fuck??" to that.

Check out the About page of their mangy website:

CWA is built on prayer and action. (HAHAHA Like the Greatest American Hero..No wait, he flew on a wing & a prayer)

We are the nation's largest public policy women's organization with a rich 25-year history of helping our members across the country bring Biblical principles
into all levels of public policy.

Now last time I checked, ladies, this nation is built on the notion that your Biblical principles remain separate from PUBLIC POLICY. It almost makes me wish I'd see the day when all these Ambrosia-toting, Veggie-Tales reading bitches have to bow before Koranic (?) principles melded into public policy.

And the icing on the cake with this group -- the head of their PR dept. is a dude.
Stupid people with a microphone would be amusing if the hubris wasn't so great.

Tuesday, July 12

Some Basics


1. Microsoft Windows products are inferior and whore-ish, technically yet I am often forced -- due mainly to laziness & ignorance -- to use them.

2. I use Mozilla to browse and I don't care what happens to those who use Explorer, technically.

Thank you. I needed to get that off my chest as this laptop, for the buzzilionth time, has suffered due to vulnerabilities and gaping security holes in the glorious piece of shit that is IE.

In the future I'm going to make every effort to avoid posting such geeky (and obvious) things.

*Image nabbed from this dude's blog whose sentiment I echo.

Monday, July 11


I shall be using my outside voice from this point on. Enough said.

Tomorrow all is set for my relocation to Manhattan Beach. I've got the keys in hand and an addendum to the lease (thanks Monica, you real-estate tool) allowing for installation of a satelite dish so that I may receive tons of useless channels albeit with an interface preferable to that of the local cable provider's which is hideous beyond description.

Thusly, this will become a repository for assorted stimulating sundries.

Saturday, July 9

Open Letter to Tim Story

Dear Director of Fantastic Four,

As a hardworking Research Scientist/Artist myself, it is with great regret that I advise you to abandon your current career path. Your most recent effort, Fantastic Four, was a complete failure. Oh I wanted to enjoy your interpretation of this intriguing quartet's tale with critical abandon. I was willing to lose myself in the rippling abs and melon-like delts of the Human Torch and the alluring, sexy-but-demure Sue Storm -- but alas nothing in your piece of shit feature film came close to the
compelling action or psycho-drama that emanated from the flimsy yet entertaining pages of the comics that your film ripped off referenced. At the same time, you managed to under exploit the only assets the cast had to offer (read: Alba's & Evans' physiques).

If I were Jessica Alba or Chris Evans, (I actually learned his name whilst writing this. Until now I referred to him as that well-built Human Torch bitchboy) I'd be pissed at you for dumping such a massive obstacle onto the path of my career trajectory. In other words: you did a fine classic comic book and some very pretty actors a serious disservice and your movie sucked balls (not the good kind).

Sincerely yours,

PS - How come Dr. Reed's clothes stretched with him when he first learned of/used his supernatural power to save the fireman falling from the bridge when neither Invisible Girl or Human Torch's garments afforded them the same convenience? And what the hell upper body regimen was that Human Torch on during filming? He was ripped. Just askin'... -C.F

Wednesday, July 6


who knew there was yakitori and shabu shabu in the hood. kampai!

Manhattan Beeyotch

I signed a lease on a place that is a short walk from this view. Hahah, the irony stings like sunburn. Hahaha bitches! No more NYC crackheads yelling ("Oye!") waking me up. Palms swaying in the wind.

No seriously, for the first time in a while I feel really excited about things..(Not you, Pats)

Enjoy this walking tour of the new 'hood:
1 Block towards the ocean is the Kettle -- 24 effing hour diner right around the corner! Schweet for the late night friends, and props for the 3D sign with neon.

Continuing down the boulevard, off on a side street we find this Starsky & Hutch alleyway next to the old parking structure. Can't wait to wander these back alleys discovering the seamy underbelly of MB. I'm rethinking my car situation (since I'm not going to get my dad's Metropolitan - which by the way, matches the railings down at the MB pier) and now a regular Jeep like the one I got in Key West seems most appropriate.

One more block down to the ocean. The sidewalks are blue tiles and have little walls (for the idiot pedestrians I guess to keep them from wandering onto the streets or for the idiot drivers from drifting into the shopping lane). In any case, they are cute and clean. And hello to the young lad in the white tank just sitting by the road. Onward ho!

At the bottom of the hills (jeezus!) there are 4 pubs within spitting proximity of each other, the pier, and the strand. Tonight we dined at Beaches, from where this snap was snapped.
The observation platform overlooking the beach and the pier. The inlay reads:
Beyond this point lies the rest of the world The 3 cardinal directions reference New Zealand, Australia, and Vietnam.

Tuesday, June 21

Last Night in NYC

My apartment is almost empty. I like the sound in here better without all the shit.
It resonates. Anyways, rough day to NJ with movers, loaded truck, back to NYC, repack car, out to LI give nana tv/dvd player, dine with family, say goodbye to family, train back to city. i'm looking forward to coming back a new man. Thanks for the good times, shittay. I've outgrown you.

Thursday, June 9

Residential Denial & Drama

I will be the first to admit that patience has never been one of my strongpoints, but this is getting ridonculous. I need to fucking move. NYC is a funny place. It has stopped enchanting or challenging me in good ways..My needs have changed and are no longer being met.

Holy shit.. I'm breaking up with New York City.

Thursday, May 26

Current Countdowns

1. for word about where/when to meet for drinks [t minus 45 mins]
2. for weekend and imminent visit to Long Island to see the family units. [t minus 1.5 days]
3. for transcontinental relocation to occur [t minus 5 weeks minus 1 day]
4. the Singularity [BoingBoing]

Tuesday, May 24

Upscale Dogs

Just tonight over dinner of Smoked Bauern Sausage from the food stalls @ Grand Central, real kraut, etc. I was brainstorming/coolhunting that what NYC needs is the Tribeca answer to the Gowanus Yacht Club in Brooklyn: select, hard-to-find German Biers (Dortmunders anyone?) and a variety of upscale wursts.. Lo and behold NYT was right there to answer me.

Yeah well anyway, nice to know that I'm right there.

In [meta] news, so I'm moving to the west coast - Los Angeles (westside) specifically...
This presents all sorts of treats in the psycho-social-emotional department. Yeah, it's um hot.

Monday, May 9


At the Labrea Tar pits in Los Angeles, there are women who sit behind glass microsorting hunks of junk pulled out of the pits.

Tuesday, April 19


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Friday, April 1

PS Happy Birthday to me

I'm 34. Wow. Who would have thunk.

I genuinely can not tell if this 'news' item is true or an April Fool's Joke

Ms. Wheelchair Wisonconsin (I know! I had no idea either) has been stripped of her crown after a photo surfaces in which she is standing up. Despite having muscular-dystrophy and use of a scooter, she apparently can stand when necessary. I'd like to hear them explain 'standing' -- is she propped up against a blackboard or wedged upright between two fellow students? It doesn't say she was photographed walking with crutches [god forbid]. Jeez judges, lighten up. It's not like they found grainy B&W photos of Miss Wheelchair orally servicing a Gold Medalist from the Special Olympics or anything.

It's a Vanessa Williams scandal for the Differently-Abled/Short Bus crew.

Good for them.

Tuesday, March 29

I live below Michael Flatley

aka William Hung ['cause he bangs! he bangs!] aka Clydes Dale the Galloping Neighbor Above.
Jesus, I swear one of these days I fully expect his wee frame to come crashing through my ceiling where it will be discovered that he has a closet fetish for cement shoes.

Not quite the light-on-his toes Bruce Lee I wished him to be..more of a Clomper McStampy.

Saturday, March 26

Speaking of my regions...

My bitchass got an all-region dvd playa, yo -- and solely as a Kath & Kim playback device.
it would be fun to go live in australia for a year and pick up that accent.
I imagine it would be helpful at outdoor events where alcohol was served. It would ingratiate me with the other people clustered at the bar or keg.

I've got one word for you,:
Ice Chardonnary.

Anyway, I'm going to burn my Video Stop card and start hitting Kim's Video a lot.
I wonder if they carry Princess Diaries II?

Wednesday, March 9

Can't blame me for trying

In an effort to quit smoking once and for all, I'm making efforts to understand why I smoke and what the triggers for my enjoying having a cigarette are. Now there are many out there, I know, who have been able to simply a)realize that smoking is a bad habit and, b) as a result of a) have been able to put them away once and for all -- not without the occassional 'fit' or craving, I'm sure.

Having a tendancy toward being overly-analytic, I of course I need to deconstruct the "why?" of almost everything and this is no exception.

The photo above is testament to that -- see how diligently I've recorded each cigarette I've smoked during the day on the formal 'tightey-whitey' slice of notepaper, along with the circumstances that accompanied the smoke? Aren't I diligent? I bet you're proud of me. Success isn't far away now.

I imagine a little clothesline strung up in my kitchen with a whole gaggle of these little underpants-notes documenting my weaning from these horrible cigarettes. It'll be cute.

I've learned that I smoke pretty much to waste time or force a bit of 'waiting' on my most impatient ass. How anti-climactic.