Christmas came and went, New York was a nice time.
Santa's theme for me this year was 'Lux'. Now I smell really good.
I'd do me.
if you read this and don't leave a comment, then this is a one-way relationship
There once was a horse-riding chap
Who took a trip in a cold snap
He stopped in the snow
But he soon had to go:
He was miles away from a nap.
TSA knew 'dry run' terror alerts were bogus [via Raw Story]
So let's see -- American's denied/delayed/unreasonably searched/forced to travel without adequate moisturizer: check. False terror alerts issued through major media outlets: check.The Transportation Security Agency's national security bulletin issued was based on bogus examples that were combined to give the impression of ominous terrorist plotting, CNN reports.
"That bulletin for law enforcement eyes only told of suspicious items recently found in passenger's bags at airport checkpoints, warned that they may signify dry runs for terrorist attacks," CNN's Brian Todd reported Friday afternoon. "Well it turns out none of that is true."
The Bush Administration recently demanded that air carriers collect broad personal information, including a traveler's sexual orientation, by threatening to turn planes away from Europe, and the European Union caved in.Good times, I tell you.. Good times.
... If you think I'm being alarmist, ask yourself why the government would be collecting information about someone's sexual orientation if they had no intention of ever using it.
Rest of the story here. [MyWay News]
Larvae Take Up Residence on Man's Head
Jul 17, 11:35 PM (ET)CARBONDALE, Colo. (AP) - Doctors thought the strange, bleeding bumps on Aaron Dallas' head might be from gnat bites or shingles. Then the bumps started moving.
A doctor found five active bot fly larvae living beneath the skin atop Dallas' head.
"I'd put my hand back there and feel them moving. I thought it was blood coursing through my head," Dallas told the (Glenwood Springs) Post Independent.
"I could hear them. I actually thought I was going crazy."
LORENZAGO DI CADORE, Italy (AP) - Pope Benedict XVI has reasserted the universal primacy of the Roman Catholic Church, approving a document released Tuesday that says Orthodox churches were defective and that other Christian denominations were not true churches.This is really one of those important reassertions that needs to be made - especially in such tranquil times as this. It's really not enough to just have all Christians thinking that other organized religions are godless cults; what we need is in-fighting between members of the same faith.
The tiny El Segundo blue has returned to two locations where it has not been seen in decades. Scientists are surprised at the resurgence.I shall endeavor to shoot and capture a specimen.
*With my CAMERA* LOLOLOL (mwah-mwah)
"Myself and a couple have friends have entered the above into the Modest Mouse video competition. Using green screen footage provided by the band we cut a simple music video. We then degraded the images and printed out each frame sequentially. (all 4133 of them) We then nailed each "shot" of 50-100 posters to various structures and posts. Then using a digital SLR camera with a long exposure we frame by frame shot each poster. Oh, and theres a little video projection (again, frame by frame on the SLR) just to mix it up. There is no compositing, no shortcuts, just lots of blood, sweat and tears, and a huge Kinkos bill!".... Max